Snowmass 2021: building the case for future explorations at the Energy Frontier

27 Mar 2023, 09:00
Big Ten A (MSU Kellogg Center)

Big Ten A

MSU Kellogg Center

Plenary talk Plenary sessions Plenaries


Laura Reina (Florida State University (US))


Building on the achievements of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the projected reach of its high-luminosity upgrade (HL-LHC), the work of the Energy Frontier during the Snowmass 2021 community exercise has focused on building the case for future explorations at and above the TeV scale and has explored possible scenarios beyond the HL-LHC. In this talk I will present highlights of the main physics studies that have motivated the vision of future explorations presented in the Snowmass 2021 Report of the Energy Frontier.

Primary author

Laura Reina (Florida State University (US))

Presentation materials