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11–13 Jan 2023
America/Santiago timezone

An a priori error analysis for a linear transmission problem using a mixed Hybrid High Order method

12 Jan 2023, 09:00
Campus Fernando May, UBB (Chillan)

Campus Fernando May, UBB


Auditorium E4FM, this is a building just behind the stadium


Rommel Bustinza (Ing- Mat and CI²MA, UdeC)


In this talk we introduce a new Hybrid High-Order (HHO) method for a linear elliptic
transmission problem in a bounded domain. In HHO the solution of the problem at hand is
approximated by attaching polynomials of degree k to the mesh cells and to their boundaries. Specific element-local operators are then employed to obtain a high-order reconstruction of the solution. Following this construction, a well-posed nonconforming discrete formulation is obtained. A significant advantage of HHO is that cell-based unknowns can be eliminated locally via a Schur complement, obtaining a global problem posed on the mesh skeleton. This in turn allows to obtain a compact global linear system with a significantly reduced number of unknowns. In our scheme an auxiliary unknown, which plays the role of a Lagrange multiplier, is introduced to deal with the nonhomogeneous transmission conditions. We prove that the proposed method is optimally convergent in the energy norm, as well as in the L²-norm for the potential
and a weighted L² -norm for the Lagrange multiplier, for smooth enough solutions. Finally, we include some numerical experiments that validate our theoretical results, even in situations not covered by the current analysis.

Primary author

Rommel Bustinza (Ing- Mat and CI²MA, UdeC)

Presentation materials