LHC EW precision sub-group meeting
Monday 14 November 2022 -
Monday 14 November 2022
Introduction : preparation of reports to general meeting and next meetings/workshop
Daniel Froidevaux
Aram Apyan
Brandeis University (US)
Introduction : preparation of reports to general meeting and next meetings/workshop
Daniel Froidevaux
Aram Apyan
Brandeis University (US)
14:00 - 14:20
Room: 222/R-001
Preparation of N3LO and resummation discussion at general meeting
Tobias Neumann
Preparation of N3LO and resummation discussion at general meeting
Tobias Neumann
14:30 - 15:15
Room: 222/R-001
Update on pseudodata for weak mixing angle measurements in run 2
Aleko Khukhunaishvili
University of Rochester (US)
Update on pseudodata for weak mixing angle measurements in run 2
Aleko Khukhunaishvili
University of Rochester (US)
15:30 - 15:50
Room: 222/R-001
Concrete proposal for pseudodata to assess sensitivity of DY measurements to NP physics
Giuseppe Bozzi
University of Cagliari and INFN, Cagliari
Valerio Bertone
C.E.A. Paris-Saclay
Concrete proposal for pseudodata to assess sensitivity of DY measurements to NP physics
Giuseppe Bozzi
University of Cagliari and INFN, Cagliari
Valerio Bertone
C.E.A. Paris-Saclay
16:00 - 16:20
Room: 222/R-001