parallel (room#101): #1 - WG1
- Daniel Cherdack
parallel (room#101): #2 - WG3x4
- Yoshi Uchida (Imperial College London)
parallel (room#101): #3 - WG1x3
- Kirsty Duffy (University of Oxford)
- Natalia Milas (European Spallation Source)
parallel (room#101): #4 - WG1x5
- Wuming Luo (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
- Dr. Rukmani Mohanta
parallel (room#101): #5 - WG1x6
- Miao He hem
parallel (room#101): #6 - WG1
- Jianming Bian (University of California Irvine (US))
Neutrino Mass Ordering (NMO) studies explore the unresolved fundamental question of whether the neutrino masses follow a normal ordering (m3>m2>m1) or an inverted ordering (m2>m1>m3). IceCube is an ice-Cherenkov neutrino detector deployed about 1.5 kilometers below the surface of the South Pole. Using DeepCore, a more densely instrumented volume of ice near the bottom of the detector, we study...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multi-purpose experiment currently under construction in southern China. It consists of a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector, whose main physics goal is to determine the neutrino mass ordering (NMO). While its main sensitivity is from reactor neutrino oscillations in vacuum, atmospheric neutrino oscillations in JUNO, via matter...
The KM3NeT collaboration is building two neutrino detectors in the Mediterranean Sea. The KM3NeT/ORCA detector has been optimized for the detection of atmospheric neutrinos with energies between few GeV and 100 GeV. Among the primary goals are the measurement of the neutrino oscillation parameters and the determination of the neturno mass ordering. A correct interpretation of the measurements...
The RENO experiment has precisely measured the amplitude and frequency of reactor antineutrino oscillation at Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant since Aug. 2011. The 2018 publication reported the measured oscillation parameters based on 2200 days of data. After that, additional 1600 days of data has been acquired with one or two operating reactors, which yields relatively lower antineutrino flux. This...
The search for muon-electron conversion processes that violate the conservation of charged lepton flavors has attracted much attention for its superior sensitivity to the discovery and verification of new physical phenomena beyond the Standard Model. Two experiments, COMET and Mu2e, are currently underway in Japan and the United States to search for muon electron conversion processes with...
Since the approval of MELODY in early 2023, the collection of surface muons and pions and the relevant beamlines have been revised.
In this report, we would like to present our latest studies at MELODY: i) For the target station, a) the optimization in terms of yields and material of the rotated target that is currently preferred and combined with the new sideways collection of both muons and...
Currently PSI delivers the most intense continuous muon beam in the world with up to a few 10^8 ฮผ+/s. The High Intensity Muon Beam (HiMB) project aims at developing a new target station and muon beam lines able to deliver 10^10 ฮผ+/s, with a huge impact for low-energy, high-precision muon experiments.
While the next generation of proton drivers with beam powers in excess of the current limit...
The ultra-slow muon (USM) beamline at J-PARC MLF MUSE provides a low-energy muon beam through laser ionization of thermal muonium in a vacuum. When a muon beam irradiates a hot tungsten foil at 2000 K, muonium atoms are emitted with an energy of 0.2 eV. The atoms can be ionized by two synchronized laser beams with wavelengths of 122 nm and 355 nm [1]. Low-energy muons with adjustable energies...
Future muon to electron conversion experiments require an improvement in sensitivity by a factor of 100 and novel accelerator concepts are necessary to achieve this goal.
A Fixed-Field Alternating gradient (FFA) ring has been proposed to create a Phase Rotated Intense Source of Muons (PRISM), which will allow for a significant purification of the muon beam and suppression of a typically large...
The neutrino tagging technique proposes to instrument a neutrino beam line with silicon trackers to kinematically reconstruct properties of individual beam neutrinos produced in $\pi\to\mu\nu_\mu$, K$\to\mu\nu_\mu$ decays. As a result, the initial neutrino flux is precisely determined and the individual neutrino energy can be reconstructed with a resolution better than 1%. Moreover, based on...
T2K is a long baseline neutrino experiment which exploits a neutrino and antineutrino beam at J-PARC, which is produced by a proton beam impinging on a graphite target, a flux of pions and kaons are produced and neutrinos are produced by their disintegration.
A very detailed simulation of the beamline allows to predict the rate and energy of produced neutrinos, but still large uncertainties...
Neutrinos elastically scattering off atomic electrons is a purely leptonic
process whose cross section can be precisely calculated in the standard
model. A measurement of this process can provide an in-situ constraint
to the absolute neutrino flux in an accelerator-based $\nu_\mu$ beam. NOvA is
a long-baseline neutrino experiment optimized to observe the oscillation
of $\nu_\mu$ to...
Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) is a project at Fermilab that provides an intense beam of neutrinos used by a number of experiments. NuMI creates a beam of pions that decay into neutrinos, muons, and other particles. Muons are registered by the muon monitors. Magnetic horns are the key elements of the NuMI beam line. This work uses the muon beam profile observed at the muon monitors to...
ICARUS is a 430 t liquid argon time projection chamber, neutrino detector located at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and serves as the far detector for the Short Baseline Neutrino program. The ICARUS detector lies 795 m downstream and 5.7ยฐ above the Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) neutrino beam. At this large off-axis angle, ICARUS has a unique opportunity to measure a variety of...
The latest results of the DANSS experiment are presented. The plastic scintillator detector is located under 3.1 GW industrial reactor core of Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant, and its main purpose is the search for the short baseline neutrino oscillations. The inverse beta decay reaction is used for the antineutrino detection. The data are collected at three distances โ 10.9, 11.9 and 12.9 meters...
NEOS is an experiment to search for a sterile neutrino oscillation from a nuclear reactor core at a short baseline. The detector was deployed at a 24-m distance from a 2.8 gigawatt-thermal-power reactor core in the tendon gallery of the Hanbit-5 reactor. NEOS-II has recorded 388 (112) live-days of reactor-on (-off) data including a full reactor operation cycle and the reactor maintenance...
The JSNS2 (J-PARC Sterile Neutrino Search at the J-PARC Spallation Neutron Source) is an experiment with a neutrino detector utilizing a 3GeV proton beam on a mercury target in the J-PARC Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility. The primary goal of the JSNS2 experiment is to search for the sterile neutrino with ฮm2 ~ 1eV by measuring a neutrino...
Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), located in the southern part of China, will be the worldโs largest liquid scintillator (LS) detector upon completion. Equipped with 20 kton LS, about 17612 20-inch PMTs and 25600 3-inch PMTs in the central detector (CD), JUNO will provide a unique apparatus to probe the mysteries of neutrinos, particularly the neutrino mass ordering puzzle. One...
DUNE, the flagship next-generation neutrino experiment in the United States, is designed to decisively measure neutrino CP violation and the mass hierarchy. Its far detector modules utilize Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) technology, which provides exceptional spatial resolution and the potential to accurately identify final state particles and neutrino events. However, this...
Accurate and fast event reconstruction is central for the design and performance of the ESSnuSB detectors. While precise, the currently proposed likelihood-based method for event reconstruction is computationally expensive. In recent years, machine learning methods have been implemented for reconstruction in several high energy physics experiments, including neutrino experiments, enabling fast...
Neutrino oscillation physics has now entered the precision era. In parallel with needing larger detectors with which to collect more data, future experiments further require a significant reduction of systematic uncertainties with respect to what is currently available. In the neutrino oscillation measurements from the T2K experiment the systematic uncertainties related to neutrino interaction...
The T2K magnetized near detector (ND280) at J-PARC is undergoing a major upgrade with a new 3D fine-granularity scintillator active targe with 3D imaging capabilities as well as ~3mm spatial resolution and sub-ns time resolution, two novel Time Projection Chambers (TPC), surrounded by a precise scintillator-based Time of Flight detector (ToF) with 200 ps time resolution.
Thanks to such...
T2K is a long baseline neutrino experiment which exploits a neutrino and antineutrino beam produced at the Japan Particle Accelerator Research Centre (J-PARC) to provide world-leading measurements of the parameters governing neutrino oscillation. Neutrino oscillations are measured by comparing neutrino rates and spectra at a near detector complex, located at J-PARC, and at the water-Cherenkov...
NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino experiment placed in the muon neutrino-dominated NuMI beam based at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA. Utilizing two functionally-identical tracking calorimeters placed 809 km apart, NOvA observes the appearance of electron neutrinos and the disappearance of muon neutrinos. By observing these neutrino oscillations along with their antineutrino...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next generation long baseline neutrino experiment for oscillation physics and proton decay studies. The primary physics goals of the DUNE experiment are to perform neutrino oscillation physics studies, search for proton decay, detect supernova burst neutrinos, make solar neutrino measurements and BSM searches. The liquid argon prototype...
The next-generation water Cherenkov experiment Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) includes a rich long-baseline neutrino oscillation component. This will make use of a 1.3MW proton beam from J-PARC, coupled with a suite of near detectors, including an upgraded ND280 and a new Intermediate Water Cherenkov Detector (IWCD). The 185 kton fiducial mass Hyper-Kamiokande will be used for the far detector. The...
In this paper we study the possibility of determining the neutrino mass ordering sensitivity from the future supernova neutrino events at the DUNE and T2HK detectors. We estimate the expected neutrino event rates from a future supernova explosion assuming GKVM flux model corresponding to different processes that are responsible for detecting the supernova neutrinos at these detectors. We...
Super-Kamiokande, a 50 kton water Cherenkov underground neutrino detector, has been instrumental in studying neutrinos across a wide energy range, from a few MeV to hundreds of GeV. Alongside SNO, Super-Kamiokande has played a pivotal role in providing evidence for solar neutrino oscillations. Specifically, the detection of Boron-8 neutrinos highlighted the deficit in the observed neutrino...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector scheduled to come online in 2024 with a main physics goal of precisely measuring reactor antineutrino oscillations. JUNO is located at a distance of 53 km from eight nuclear reactors in Southern China. The detector will be instrumented by 17,612 20-inch and 25,600 3-inch photomultiplier tubes,...