- Subhajit Ghosh (University of Notre Dame)
I will discuss theories of a complete mirror world with parity (P) solving the strong CP problem. P exchanges the entire Standard Model with its mirror copy and two new mass scales arise: v' where parity and mirror electroweak symmetry are spontaneously broken, and v3 where the color groups break to the diagonal strong interactions. The strong CP problem is solved even if v3 << v' and the...
Twin Higgs models address the hierarchy problem and can provide interesting dark matter possibilities. However, the cosmology of these models can be problematic.
I present a new twin Higgs model in which the usual color group originates from the spontaneous breaking of a gauged SU(4) symmetry in the visible sector. In the hidden sector the SU(4) is not broken leading to new dark matter...
Atomic dark matter (ADM) is a simple extension to the Standard Model that is motivated by considerations in both particle and astrophysics. ADM can alter structure formation on subgalactic scales due to its ability to dissipate energy through cooling mechanisms, but is also one realisation of a possible complex dark sector. These dark sectors have been previously studied as a solution to the...
Dark matter could be dark baryons made from underlying vector-like quarks which interact with the standard model as an electroweak multiplet. If the lightest dark baryon is electrically neutral with vanishing hypercharge, the leading interaction with the SM is anticipated to be through its magnetic dipole (for fermionic dark baryons). Using the non-relativistic quark model, which becomes exact...
A weakly coupled and light dark photon coupling to lepton charges $L_\mu-L_\tau$ is an intriguing dark matter candidate that could modify the dynamics of neutrino flavor conversions. By analyzing data from the T2K, SNO, and Super-Kamiokande experiments, limits are obtained on the dark photon gauge coupling for masses below $\sim 10^{-11}\,\mathrm{eV}$. Degeneracies between shifts in the...