GDB [co-located at the ISGC 2023 conference,Taipei] - missing recordings

Wednesday 22 March 2023 - 14:00
BHSS, Academia Sinica (Media Conf. Room)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
22 Mar 2023
14:00 Introduction - Erik Mattias Wadenstein (University of Umeå (SE))   (Media Conf. Room)
14:10 ASGC site update - Han-Wei Yen   (Media Conf. Room)
14:30 Experiences from ICEPP migration from DPM to dCache - Masahiko Saito (University of Tokyo (JP))   (Media Conf. Room)
14:50 IHEP migration from DPM to EOS, status update - Xiaofei Yan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)) Xiaofei Yan (Institute of High Energy Physics)   (Media Conf. Room)
15:10 LHC networking in Asia - Sang Un Ahn (Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KR))   (Media Conf. Room)
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
16:00 Belle II computing update - Michel Hernandez Villanueva (DESY)   (Media Conf. Room)
16:30 IAM Token Hackathon summary - Thomas Dack   (Media Conf. Room)
17:00 WLCG token migration update - Maarten Litmaath (CERN)   (Media Conf. Room)