Sep 25 – 30, 2023
Protea Hotel King George
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Production measurements of heavy-quarks in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ALICE detector.

Not scheduled
Regency Room (Protea Hotel King George)

Regency Room

Protea Hotel King George

Contributed Oral Presentation Physics Research Parallel Session 1


Tebogo Joyce Shaba (iThemba LABS, National Research Foundation (ZA))


Heavy-flavour production measurements in pp collisions are important tools to test theoretical models based on pertubative quantum chromodymanics (pQCD) and to investigate the heavy-quark hadronization mechanisms. In ALICE, heavy quarks are measured via the hadronic and electronic decay channels at central rapidity (|η|<0.9), and via the muon decay channels at forward |η|<0.9), and via the muon decay channels at forward<0.9), and via the muon decay channels at forward), and via the muon decay channels at forwardη|<0.9), and via the muon decay channels at forward rapidity (-4< <-2.5).).η|<0.9), and via the muon decay channels at forward rapidity (-4< <-2.5).

In this contribution, the production cross-sections measurements of leptons from heavy-flavour hadron decays are presented and compared to pertubative quantum chromodymanics (pQCD) theoretical calculations. The latest measurements of D0, D+,D +∗+ and D+s mesons together with the measurements of Λ +c , Ξ0,+c , Σ0,++c and the measurement of Ω0c baryons performed with the ALICE detector at midrapidity in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV are also presented. Measurements of charm-baryon production are crucial to study the charm-quark hadronization mechanisms in a partonic rich environment like the one produced in pp collisions at the LHC energies.

Abstract Category Particle Physics


Tebogo Joyce Shaba (iThemba LABS, National Research Foundation (ZA))

Presentation materials