The ultimate objectives of this conference are to develop theoretical approaches to successfully reconcile principles of the general theory of relativity (GR) and quantum mechanics (QM). The general theory of relativity and the theory of quantum mechanics are fundamentally different frameworks that successfully separately deliver precise and reliable explanations of how Nature works. Accordingly, these obviously lead to genuinely incompatible descriptions of reality. The violation of the principles of relativity and equivalence, at quantum scales, belongs to the main conceptual difficulties of reconciling principles of quantum mechanics with general relativity so that their scales of applicability are entirely distinct. By the end of the day, this everlasting problem is not a trivial task that would be carried out by a few scholars. Its profound trans-disciplinary urges to unify the forces and skills of a huge global collaboration. The conference does not only aim at gathering experts but rather defining research directions. This is not limited to the narrow notion of quantizing GR or gravitizing QM. The entire spectrum of cosmology and high-energy physics either theoretical or phenomenological or computational shall be converted by the selected papers. This also includes all mathematical development contributing to quantizing GR and/or gravitizing QM.
The conference talks shall be published as “full research papers” – not just conventional proceedings - in an indexed journal (MDPI and/or AIP)