Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions (Maria Theresia College)
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Maria Theresia College
Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
We welcome you all to participate in the LISA conference, a gathering of the LISA MSCA innovative training network and beyond. The LISA (Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy of Actinides) consortium aims to train a new generation of experts in different fields of radioactive ion beam research and applications, with the underlying goal of improving our knowledge of the elements known as the actinides using laser spectroscopy techniques.
The event will take place from May 22 (Monday) to May 26 (Friday) in the charming heart of Belgium – the city Leuven. A selection of posters and talks will be presented on the following topics:
Radioactive ion beam facilities
Laser development
Medical applications of radionuclides
Ultra-trace analysis
Atomic and nuclear structure investigations
Development of laser ion sources, hot cavities, gas cells and jets
Production of actinide beams and samples
We look forward to seeing you to discuss recent developments in the field and enjoy with us the beautiful city of Leuven and its culturally rich environment.
Further information will come in the following weeks.
For any question, please contact us via the email address:
Exploring frontiers of laser spectroscopy in current and future radioactive ion beam facilitiesAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Numerical simulation of heavy ion stopping and transport in the JetRIS gas cell at GSIAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Resonance laser ionization and mass separation of 225Ac: Challenges, capabilities and perspectivesAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
RadioecologyAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Maria Theresia College
Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Radionuclide analysis with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Lasers make an ultra-sensitive technique more versatileAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Multi-element ultra-trace analysis of hot particles in the Chornobyl Exclusion ZoneAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Production of synthetic homogenous U-Pu samples for determination of rL-SNMS suppression ratesAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Development of a time-of-flight mass spectrometer with a laser desorption / ionization sourceAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Preparation and characterization of Pu-239 and Pu-240 recoil ion sources for U-235m studies.Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
The PI-LIST: High-resolution crossed-beams laser spectroscopy inside the ISOLDE laser ion source.Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
High-resolution laser spectroscopy of stable Dy in preparation of Dy with PI-LISTAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Status of development of the JetRIS project for laser spectroscopy of the heavy actinides at GSI/HIMAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
High-resolution spectroscopy of exotic silver with a cw OPO injection-seeded PDAAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Kink in Mean-square Charge Radii of Tl Isotopes Studied by In-source Laser Spectroscopy at IDS/RILIS-ISOLDEAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Charge radii measurements of $^{26-34}$Al transitioning into the $N$ = 20 island of inversionAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Maria Theresia College
Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Jordan Ray Reilly
Collinear resonant ionization spectroscopy of RaFAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Ion beam productionAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Maria Theresia College
Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Target microstructure engineering impact on the production of radioactive ion beams: the challenge of high boiling point elementsAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Maria Theresia College
Sint-Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
DrJoao Pedro Ramos(Belgian Nuclear Research Center (BE))
Influence of the temperature profile on ionisation in a surface ion source at ISOL@MYRRHAAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Ab initio Multi-Configurational Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) calculations of the energy spectrum of neutral LawrenciumAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Comparison of theory and experiment for relative transition probabilities in thuliumAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Hyperfine structure calculations of excited states of lawrencium using the relativistic Fock-space coupled cluster methodAuditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions
Auditorium 00.14 for lectures & HOGC - 00.50 Chapel for poster sessions