The CERN Control Centre is the heart of the accelerator control. From the creation of the protons in the Linac, over the Proton Synchrotron, the PS Booster, the Super Proton Synchrotron, and then injection in the LHC – the operation of the LHC requires an enormously complex machinery to all come together and seemlessly link up with each other: cryogenics, power, vacuum, and of course the accelerator itself. This all happens through coordination from the CCC.

The accelerator and experiments of course also need to talk to each other – the needs, constraints, and wishes of how the LHC should run, what parameters to tune, etc is sometimes very different between experiments and the accelerator. Regular discussions are thus needed, both on the day-to-day level, as on the longer-term strategy. And also directly: the experiment control rooms and the CCC are in regular phone contact with each other, and follow each other's activities.

You can find a description of the day-to-day life at the CCC from a few years back here: