Apr 27 – 28, 2023
Canada/Eastern timezone

Accommodation (Rate Expires April 1st)

Special accommodation rates have been secured for the summit at the hotels below. 

The Hampton Inn Sudbury

2280 Regent Street Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 0B4, Canada, +1 705-523-5200 

A block of rooms have been reserved at the Hampton Inn Sudbury at a rate of $131 CAD + taxes per night for a double queen room. Guests may book until April 1st, 2023 using the direct booking link or by contacting the hotel directly at +1 705-523-5200 and requesting to book under the "SNOLAB" booking code.  

Holiday Inn Sudbury 

1696 Regent Street, Sudbury, ON P3E 3Z8 Canada, +1 877 660 8550

A block of rooms have been reserved at the Holiday Inn Sudbury at a rate of  $169 CAD + taxes per night for a double queen room. Guests may book until April 1st, 2023 by contacting the hotel directly at +1 877 660 8550 and requesting to book under the "SNOLAB" booking code.