ECFA ECR Panel meeting
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January 26, 2023
First part: old + new panel
Minute-taker: Valentina
Chair: Sarah
Meeting starts 10.04 39 attendees
Introduction by the organising committee - Sarah Willliams
- Significant change in the panel composition
- Todays target is to hand over from old to new panel
- Summary of the activities of the past year can be found in slide 3
- It is key to understand if the new panel would like to keep the actual structure (organisation committee/PECFA/RECFA/ WGs)
- We will vote for this later if the quorum is reached (31 out of 61 members)
- Meetings structure is summarized in slide 7
- Follow up from last meeting:
- ECR discussions are promoted for the future both from CERN council and ECFA chairs (see examples from UK s.8)
- Would be important to appoint contacts for WGs
- Structure of mandates summarised in s.10
- Every country that has a major laboratory has rights to have an extra member
Summary of report from panel in December 2022 - Steven Schramm
- Step down structure summarised in s.4: extension of mandates for 2 years formally but one can step down after 1 year or whenever necessary
- All structure and selection strategies are summarised in the next slides
- Pawel Sznajder in the chat: “in fact I also have to step down, meaning 2 PECFA Observers need to be appointed”
- WGs work summarised in s. 8 followed by newsletters summary
- Question on purpose/longevity of WGs
- Detector R&D established in the very beginning on request of ECFA
- The other three maybe can be a bit of on a longer time scale due to the fact that they were created by the ECRs
PECFA/RECFA Updates - Lydia Brenner
- Gianluca and Pawel have stepped down, so the official appointment of the new member will be in July. Until then both Gianluca and Pawel are in the PECFA. Indeed PECFA and RECFA have a 3 years mandate, this is valid even if you change affiliation country. Until July Gianluca and Pawel are in the PECFA even if not in the ECR panel
- The new appointed people for PECFA will be able to attend even the July meeting
- RECFA will visit Czech Rep., Norway, Portugal and Greece in 2023 and fill in a report, contact RECFA delegate (Lydia Brenner) if you represent one of these countries
Second part: new panel
Minute-taker second part: Steven
Chair: Valentina/Jan -Hendrik
Discussion amongst new panel for steps forward
- Have 48 people connected, mix of old and new, but think it’s mostly new people
- Should have quorum to ask a few questions
- Not final decisions, but rather to get feedback and preliminary ideas of how to proceed
- Poll submitted for feedback, results are below - 100% support for all questions
- 32 new members, thus we reached quorum of new members (31 required)
- Need to start collecting nominations for PECFA observers (2x) and organisation committee
- Wait to decide whether we need a selection committee or not, depending on the number of self-nominations
- Need to do organisation committee first, tighter timeline, while PECFA only needs to be defined by July
- For newcomers who want to participate in working groups, in the email we will distribute to volunteer for tasks, there will be the egroups for the working groups so you can get informed about common activities
- Subscribe to the working groups that you are interested in
- Poll submitted to ask if a selection committee should be used in case of too many candidates, results below, 100% support
- Is there the possibility of having a direct vote on panel members instead of a selection committee?
- Yes it is possible, this has also be done in the past
- Discussion in original panel was to ensure we had a diversity of different categories in the selected candidates
- There are probably also ways to combine the two approaches if desired
- Could decide what to do when you know how many candidates there are, or encourage the selection committee to find a way to involve voting too
- Will see how many candidates there are, and then have a separate offline vote to decide how to proceed
- Also note first time the selection committee made a selection, which was proposed to the full panel for endorsement via vote
- The panel was always asked to give the final vote
- Now great opportunity to propose new working groups
- Last time, people proposed names of groups with short descriptions in a google doc, then there was a decision if a given group reached a critical mass or not
- As for EIC working group, this group is very small, and key members are leaving
- Even if people sign up, need to find a leader who will organise the meetings
- Diversity+career working group, now working on analysing the survey
- Know this group expects to have a meeting soon, makes sense to include new members
- Google form and information on egroups should be done sooner than later for people to express their interest
- Any other business?
- None raised
- Next meeting by default will be in May
- Can hold another meeting earlier if anything urgent, but otherwise it will be May
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