Jun 25 – 29, 2023
Ole-Johan Dahls Hus
Europe/Oslo timezone

High-speed x-ray CT for industrial inspection through high-brightness x-ray sources and photon counting detectors

Jun 29, 2023, 9:00 AM
Simula Auditorium (Ole-Johan Dahls Hus)

Simula Auditorium

Ole-Johan Dahls Hus

Oslo Science Park Gaustadalléen 23B, 0373 Oslo
Oral Applications Applications


Till Dreier (Excillum AB, Lund University)


Here we demonstrate high-speed CT down to 200 ms for battery inspection suitable for in-line use in factories. The combination of high-brightness MetalJet x-ray sources combined with high frame rate photon counting detectors enables 3D inspection that can keep up with production lines. CT inspection is a promising approach to improve quality assurance in the fast-growing battery industry, allowing to robustly assess anode/cathode overhang while also enabling particle detection.


Till Dreier (Excillum AB, Lund University)


Daniel Nilsson (Excillum AB) Emil Espes (Excillum AB)

Presentation materials