Jun 25 – 29, 2023
Ole-Johan Dahls Hus
Europe/Oslo timezone

Radiation Measurements with the Timepix based HERA Instrument on Artemis I and Biosentinel

Jun 27, 2023, 4:20 PM
Simula Auditorium (Ole-Johan Dahls Hus)

Simula Auditorium

Ole-Johan Dahls Hus

Oslo Science Park Gaustadalléen 23B, 0373 Oslo
Oral Applications Applications


Dr Stuart George (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center)


The Artemis I mission of November 22 marks the start of the NASA Artemis program to resume lunar exploration. It launched the Orion spacecraft into cis-lunar space on November 16th 2022 for 25 days before returning to Earth December 11th. During this mission the radiation levels and particle fluxes inside the crew cabin of the (unmanned) Orion spacecraft were measure by the NASA “HERA” instrument, which uses three Timepix hybrid pixel detectors in distinct for crew monitoring and protection. In addition, a fourth Timepix based instrument, the “LETS” on the Biosentinel cubesat was also launched on Artemis I and is now in heliocentric orbit. This instrument has been continuously (at the time of writing) monitoring the deep space environment since November 2022 and is slated to run until at least December 2023.

During this flight a number of distinct and interesting radiation environment have been measured by the Timepix based instruments, including the inner (proton rich) and outer (electron rich) Van Allen belts, the quiescent free space galactic cosmic rays and in the case of Biosentinel several small energetic solar particle events.

This contribution will briefly outline the motivations for space radiation measurement, the Artemis I mission, the design of the instruments and showcase a selection of interesting results from HERA and Biosentinel. Finally it will discuss planned measurements on the future Artemis missions and the lunar surface.


Dr Stuart George (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center)


Lawrence Pinsky (University of Houston (US)) Dr Diego Laramore (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Dr Thomas Campbell-Ricketts (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Dr Nicholas Stoffle (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Dr Martin Kroupa (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Dr Sergio Santa Maria (NASA Ames Research Center) Dr Cary Zeitlin (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Dr Amir Bahadori (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Dr Dan Fry (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Dr Kerry Lee (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Mr Edward Semones (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Dr Mena Abdelmelek (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Dr Kathryn Whitman (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Dr Ramona Gaza (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Dr Ricky Edgeland (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Dr A. Steve Johnson (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Mr Michael Ecord (Leidos Inc, Houston, Texas 77401, USA) Ms Catherine McLeod (NASA Johnson Space Center) Ms Madelyn Vandewalle (NASA Johnson Space Center) Mr Scott Wheeler (NASA Johnson Space Center) Mr Robert Hirsch (NASA Johnson Space Center) Ms Janet Barzilla (Space Radiation Analysis Group, NASA Johnson Space Center) Mr Hesham Hussein (Lockheed Martin Inc) Mr Aaron Schram (CACI International)

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