Henry Schreiner (Princeton University)
Jim Pivarski (Princeton University)
Saransh Chopra (University of Delhi) 🙋🏻♂️
PyHEP 2023
Create and manipulate 2D, 3D, and Lorentz vectors -
pip install vector
conda install -c conda-forge vector
In [1]: v1 = vector.obj(x=3, y=4, z=-2, t=10)
In [2]: v2 = vector.obj(rho=5, phi=0.9273, eta=-0.39, t=10)
In [3]: v1 + v2
Out[3]: VectorObject4D(x=5.999980871972148, y=8.000014345949428, z=-3.999809798461195, t=20)
In [4]: v1.x + v2.rho
Out[4]: 8
In [1]: v1 = vector.arr(
...: {
...: "x": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0],
...: "y": [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5],
...: "z": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5],
...: }
...: )
In [2]: v2 = vector.arr(
...: {
...: "px": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0],
...: "py": [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5],
...: "pz": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5],
...: }
...: )
In [3]: v1 + v2
VectorNumpy3D([( 2., 2.2, 0.2), ( 4., 4.4, 0.4), ( 6., 6.6, 0.6),
( 8., 8.8, 0.8), (10., 11. , 1. )],
dtype=[('x', '<f8'), ('y', '<f8'), ('z', '<f8')])
In [4]: v1.x + v2.px
Out[4]: array([ 2., 4., 6., 8., 10.])
In [1]: v1 = vector.awk(
...: [
...: [{"x": 1, "y": 1.1, "z": 0.1}, {"x": 2, "y": 2.2, "z": 0.2}],
...: [],
...: [{"x": 3, "y": 3.3, "z": 0.3}],
...: [{"x": 4, "y": 4.4, "z": 0.4}, {"x": 5, "y": 5.5, "z": 0.5}],
...: ]
...: )
In [2]: v2 = vector.awk(
...: [
...: [{"rho": 1, "phi": 1.1, "pz": 0.1}, {"rho": 2, "phi": 2.2, "pz": 0.2}],
...: [],
...: [{"rho": 3, "phi": 3.3, "pz": 0.3}],
...: [{"rho": 4, "phi": 4.4, "pz": 0.4}, {"rho": 5, "phi": 5.5, "pz": 0.5}],
...: ]
...: )
In [3]: v1 + v2
Out[3]: <VectorArray3D [[{x: 1.45, y: 1.99, ... z: 1}]] type='4 * var * Vector3D["x": fl...'>
In [4]: v1.x + v2.rho
Out[4]: <Array [[2, 4], [], [6], [8, 10]] type='4 * var * int64'>
In [1]: @numba.njit
...: def compute_mass(v1, v2):
...: return (v1 + v2).mass
In [2]: compute_mass(
...: vector.obj(px=1, py=2, pz=3, E=4),
...: vector.obj(px=-1, py=-2, pz=-3, E=4)
...: )
Out[2]: 8.0
In [1]: array = vector.awk(
...: [
...: [
...: dict(
...: {
...: x: numpy.random.normal(0, 1)
...: for x in ("px", "py", "pz")
...: },
...: E=numpy.random.normal(10, 1),
...: )
...: for inner in range(numpy.random.poisson(1.5))
...: ]
...: for outer in range(50)
...: ]
...: )
In [2]: @numba.njit
...: def compute_masses(array):
...: out = numpy.empty(len(array), numpy.float64)
...: for i, event in enumerate(array):
...: total = vector.obj(px=0.0, py=0.0, pz=0.0, E=0.0)
...: for vec in event:
...: total = total + vec
...: out[i] = total.mass
...: return out
In [3]: compute_masses(array)
array([ 0. , 10.36167953, 0. , 9.15367049, 28.62136726,
9.54993212, 0. , 9.00308428, 20.04212849, 10.06963788,
19.8551194 , 0. , 30.6957947 , 0. , 23.24512715,
19.88520087, 18.98248046, 0. , 30.44632714, 10.2959194 ,
9.26368332, 10.03039074, 21.56346856, 8.75170183, 8.80118952,
18.05519623, 59.30509616, 11.4278945 , 47.78437373, 18.26799481,
8.88103215, 0. , 0. , 30.78770864, 38.00767698,
21.21591576, 19.53493617, 0. , 28.8201169 , 29.29564491,
0. , 0. , 10.85570784, 0. , 7.66535582,
19.03323138, 38.85245788, 10.13798577, 9.30661898, 0. ])
Vector's CHANGELOG: scikit-hep/vector/docs/changelog.md
In [1]: vector.VectorObject2D(x=2, y=3)
Out[1]: VectorObject2D(x=2, y=3)
In [2]: vector.MomentumObject2D(pt=2, phi=3)
Out[2]: MomentumObject2D(pt=2, phi=3)
In [3]: vector.VectorObject3D.from_xyz(2, 3, 4)
Out[3]: VectorObject3D(x=2, y=3, z=4)
In [4]: vector.MomentumObject2D.from_rhophi(2, 3)
Out[4]: MomentumObject2D(pt=2, phi=3)
In [5]: from vector.backends.object import AzimuthalObjectXY, LongitudinalObjec
...: tZ, TemporalObjectT
In [6]: vector.VectorObject2D(azimuthal=AzimuthalObjectXY(2, 3), longitudinal=L
...: ongitudinalObjectZ(4), temporal=TemporalObjectT(5))
Out[6]: VectorObject4D(x=2, y=3, z=4, t=5)
In [7]: vector.MomentumObject4D(azimuthal=AzimuthalObjectXY(2, 3), longitudinal
...: =LongitudinalObjectZ(4), temporal=TemporalObjectT(5))
Out[7]: MomentumObject4D(px=2, py=3, pz=4, E=5)
In [1]: vector.VectorNumpy2D([(1.1, 2.1), (1.2, 2.2), (1.3, 2.3), (1.4, 2.4), (
...: 1.5, 2.5)], dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float)])
VectorNumpy2D([(1.1, 2.1), (1.2, 2.2), (1.3, 2.3), (1.4, 2.4), (1.5, 2.5)],
dtype=[('x', '<f8'), ('y', '<f8')])
In [2]: vector.MomentumNumpy3D([(1.1, 2.1, 3.1), (1.2, 2.2, 3.2), (1.3, 2.3, 3.
...: 3), (1.4, 2.4, 3.4), (1.5, 2.5, 3.5)], dtype=[('px', float), ('py', flo
...: at), ('pz', float)])
MomentumNumpy3D([(1.1, 2.1, 3.1), (1.2, 2.2, 3.2), (1.3, 2.3, 3.3), (1.4, 2.4, 3.4),
(1.5, 2.5, 3.5)], dtype=[('x', '<f8'), ('y', '<f8'), ('z', '<f8')])
In [1]: vector.Array(
...: [
...: [{"x": 1, "y": 1.1, "z": 0.1}],
...: [],
...: [{"x": 3, "y": 3.3, "z": 0.3}],
...: [
...: {"x": 4, "y": 4.4, "z": 0.4},
...: {"x": 5, "y": 5.5, "z": 0.5},
...: {"x": 6, "y": 6.6, "z": 0.6},
...: ],
...: ]
...: )
Out[1]: <VectorArray3D [[{x: 1, y: 1.1, z: 0.1, ... z: 0.6}]] type='4 * var * Vector3D["...'>
In [2]: vector.Array(
...: [
...: [{"px": 1, "py": 1.1, "pz": 0.1}],
...: [],
...: [{"px": 3, "py": 3.3, "pz": 0.3}],
...: [
...: {"px": 4, "py": 4.4, "pz": 0.4},
...: {"px": 5, "py": 5.5, "pz": 0.5},
...: {"px": 6, "py": 6.6, "pz": 0.6},
...: ],
...: ]
...: )
Out[2]: <MomentumArray3D [[{x: 1, y: 1.1, z: 0.1, ... z: 0.6}]] type='4 * var * Momentum...'>
Still using awkward v1? Still works with awkward v1!
No extra "vector" overhead for switching between awkward v1 to v2, everything is handled automatically
User experience: Better reprs, better error messages, better
private-public API segregation, ...
Methods: to_Vector*D, sum, count, count_nonzero,
deltaRapidityPhi, deltaRapidityPhi2, ...
Support: Python 3.11 and 3.12 support
Checks: Type checks in constructors
Constructors: Bug fixes in old constructors
Properties and methods: numpy.sum, high coordinate values, ...
The documentation is now targeted towards users and not the developers of vector
A nice way to get involved!
A stable place with v1.0.0 out
Development is being spearheaded by bug reports and feature requests, no specific development targets
Mostly voluntary development, participating in hacktoberfest!
Possibility of making Vector differentiable using Jax
Ties up with making the AGC differentiable (AD)
author = {Schreiner, Henry and Pivarski, Jim and Chopra, Saransh},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5942082},
license = {BSD-3-Clause},
title = {{vector}},
url = {https://github.com/scikit-hep/vector}