The missing pre-production tests from 4.8.5-0.rc1 are non-blocking. The tests with broken tapes can be performed after 4.8.5-1 is released and deployed. Any errors can be fixed later in 4.8.6-1.
We will ask them for a dump of the dependencies, and evaluate from there what to do (ignore or fix it in our side, since we are also using more and more gRPC).
Partial change of reportJobsBatchTransferred logic
We will keep this as a low priority, unless it starts affecting production.
Make RMC maxRqstAttempts variable configurable
Keep as low priority, unless the experiments explicitly ask to work on it.
Keep cta-taped alive if at least one drive handler is alive
This is not a priority for CTA at CERN.
The first approach should be to ask RAL to try deploying the tape server in two separate containers. This should allow for a much better decoupling than having 2 drives in 1 tape server, without the need for development effort.
If this works, check with other members of the community if they can do the same.
If so (and no one is using the same process for multiple drives), remove the possibility of having multiple drives per tape server. This should not impact CERN because we already abide by this rule.
Remove auto-generated cpp/hpp files from the CTA repo
Jorge will remove the unnecessary auto-generated files, as well as IDE-specific directories from .gitignore.
CTA dev board review
Look at the active issues in our CTA dev board.
Decide if they should be kept, removed, reassigned, prioritised, etc.