Discussion Notes
- Projects
- What are the most important things to work on?
- What skills are needed?
- How much time does the person have to work on the project something meaningful?
- What weekly %-time is sufficient and for what duration?
- Who is available to supervise?
- Who is willing to provide a tutorial to get going?
- What resources are needed?
- All projects at this point are likely computing projects. Can we get started with "personal" or "local" resources?
- Snowmass machine is setup with IMCC provided software - how long are the machines available? Can people still get accounts?
- mucol01.hep.wisc.edu (02 ... as needed) are available with IMCC provided software - feel free to ask for an account if needed.
- mcsim01.fnal.gov at Fermilab, similar setup
- Current projects (in Americas) - who's doing what?
- Simone Pagan Griso, et al, LBL: Tracker reconstruction code development
- Patrick Meade et al, Stony Brook: Physics simulations including detector acceptance (PGS?)
- Daniel Ally, Grad Student, Tennessee: Tracker BIB occupancy and mitigation studies using full simulation
- Shivani Lomte, Grad Student, Wisconsin: Calorimeter BIB studies using full simulation
- Kenny Jia, UG Student, Wisconsin: Delphes HH study done with no-BIB study + Adding BIB to Delphes
- Sergo Jindariani et al Fermilab: occupancy/bandwidth/power estimates and readout/TDAQ design
- Max Swiatlowski, Kate Pachal, TRIUMF: jet/MET reconstruction
- Karri DiPetrillo, Ben Rosser et al, UChicago: detector design/acceptance
- ...
- Future projects - who's interested?
- Madgraph-Pythia-Delphes generated data with uproot+numpy+mathpltlib for analysis