Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom
Present: M.Frank, F.Brieuc, F.Gaede, J. Smiesko, T.Madlehner
1) Pending problems
2) Issue 940: Integration of external library (CRY) for cosmic ray generation in DDG4 simulation: on hold
3) Issue 970: Support for digitization in ddsim: on hold
4) Issue 984: DD4hep output with MarlinDD4hep
6) Issue 1014: Issue using optical surfaces
===> Related: Issue 1027 (Program never stops)
7) Issue 1034: DD4hep and Opticks (Sarah)
2) Closed issues and fixed problems
1) PR 1060: Prevent a compact file from being loaded twice (B.Couturier)
2) PR 1061: DDSim: make it possible to use batchmode with userInputPlugins only (Andre)
3) Issue 1057: Error in generation of root file using dd_web_display -- unrelated.
4) TBB building issue is finally closed! Thanks Wouter!
6) Issue 1054: Shared library lookup in macOS 13 (closed by Andre due to inactivity)
7) DDDigi TBB code needs migration to new oneAPI TBB interfaces (Issue 901):
Clash between Intel oneapi TBB and classic TBB.
Solved according to Wouter.
8) PR1059/Issue 988: Propagate HepMC event weights to EDM4hep and LCIO outputs of ddsim
(got merged right after the meeting)
9) Issue 1051: Propagation of ions
PR 920: Geant4InputHandling: Treat Ions with Excitation Energy
(got merged right after the meeting)
3) Round table
Markus: LHCb has asked for a new tag with the latest PRs. A new tag will be provided.
Andre: All discussed in the points above. Will provide the tag after the ion issue is solved.
Timescale for the new tag is tomorrow. Will go into LCG 103.
Frank: Got the GFlash examples running. Now he is missing the interface to ddsim.
Jurai: Experimenting with CLD. Calorimeter hits in edm4hep produced directly with DDG4 are OK.
In key4sim Geant4 the hits have no contributions.
====> To be looked at by key4hep.
Thomas: Cross-section and weight PR hopefully passing....
4) AOB
Next meeting: 09.March 2023