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3–7 Jul 2023
Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon
Asia/Seoul timezone

Minimal matter supergravity and asymmetric orbifold

3 Jul 2023, 14:30
Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon

Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon

Science and Culture Center, Institute for Basic Science Daejeon, Korea
Plenary Plenary


Yuta Hamada


Understanding the boundary between the Landscape and Swampland in supergravity theories is an important subject to study. This talk considers supergravity equal to or less than six dimensions. There are minimal matter supergravity theories that can not be obtained from geometric compactifications. We study the Landscape of the non-geometric asymmetric orbifold compactification to investigate whether such theories are realized.

Primary author

Yuta Hamada

Presentation materials