LHC Soft Skills Workshop: Effective Teamwork in Large Collaborations

Hannah Bossi (Yale University (US)), for the ALICE Junior Representatives, Laura Elaine Bruce (Harvard University (US)), Shalu Solomon (Brandeis University (US)), for the ATLAS Early Career Scientist Board , Andris Potrebko (Riga Technical University (LV)), Antra Gaile (Riga Technical University (LV)), Kathryn Wendy Coldham (Brunel University (GB)), for the CMS Young Scientists Committee, Guillaume Max Pietrzyk (IJCLab (Orsay, FR)), Lorenzo Paolucci (University of Warwick (GB)), for the LHCb Early Career, Gender and Diversity Office

The recording of the panel discussion is now available here!

The Early Career Scientists Fora of the four large LHC experiments have joined forces to organize a cycle of soft skills workshops, where each event focuses on a different career development training aspect (CV writing, grant writing, the importance of networking, career paths, negotiations for a new job, interview preparation, etc.).

The seventh of these workshops will take place on Tuesday 16th May at 15:00 CERN time and will be dedicated to "Effective Teamwork in Large Collaborations".

The event is going to be online only.

At the time of event registration, you will have the opportunity to submit questions that you would like to be addressed by our panellists. Please make use of this opportunity to help us shape the event according to your needs.

The workshop will comprise an open panel discussion with a panel of role models, followed by a Q&A session in Zoom breakout rooms. 

For the panel discussion, the invited panellists will cover topics focusing on how to teamwork effectively while working in a large collaboration. This will take place in the "main room" that can be found here.

After a short break (10 mins), there will be parallel Q&A sessions in different rooms where you can directly chat with your preferred panellist in small groups. The rooms have been split by the experiments of the panellists and can also be found on this page

The panel will consist of:

  • Dr. Shreyasi Acharya – Postdoctoral Researcher at Clermont-Ferrand U. (ALICE)
  • Dr. David Barney – EP-CMX Group Leader at CERN and Collaboration Board Chair Team Secretary (CMS)
  • Dr. Johan Sebastian Bonilla – Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of California Davis (CMS)
  • Dr. Elena Dall'Occo  – Physicist at TU. Dortmund and Run Coordinator (LHCb)
  • Dr. Andrea Knue – Postdoctoral Researcher at Universität Dortmund and TOP Working Group Convenor (ATLAS)
  • Dr. Lais Lavra  – Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Edinburgh (LHCb)
  • Dr. Sami Rasanen – Senior Lecturer at the University of Jyväskylä (ALICE)
  • Dr. Maximillian Swiatlowski – Associate Research Scientist at TRIUMF (ATLAS)


More information about the panellists can be found here. To attend this workshop, please register here.

The event is aimed at early career researchers, but open to anyone working on a CERN experiment.


LHC ECSF Soft Skills Workshop Committee
Feedback on LHC soft-skills workshop