SPI project meeting
The weekly meeting of the Software Process and Infrastructure project of the LCG/AA.
Bertrand Bellenot
+ Actions done and progress
- released ROOT v5.15.02 for the usual platforms:
osx104_ppc_gcc401, slc3_ia32_gcc323, slc3_ia32_gcc323_dbg,
slc4_ia32_gcc34, slc4_ia32_gcc34_dbg, slc4_amd64_gcc34,
slc4_amd64_gcc34_dbg, win32_vc71_dbg
+ Next actions
- Nightlies on Windoze
Andreas Pfeiffer
+ Actions done
- deployed latest version of the scripts, moved config.py into scripts
directory (and renamed it configuration.py).
- added CMT relevant env-vars to the lcgspi.[c]sh setup scripts for the
"test" environment (...sw/lcg/app/spi/tools/test/setup/lcgspi.py). Now
a "source" of this is all that's needed to use CMT for the developers.
- fixed bug which prevented showing the LCG AA packages in the
configuration web page (reported by HubertD)
+ Next actions
- move web stuff from lcgapp1 to lcgapp01
- prepare and move HyperNews to lcgapp02/3
+ Problems
~ How can we re-direct the XXX.cern.ch (spi,pool), currently done with lcgapp1
Ian McLaren
+ Actions done and progress
- On holiday last week, but report covers several weeks.
- Geant4
- Geant4 testing.
- Working groups discussion and planning.
- Cernlib
- Gfortran/gcc4 libraries are now also available from the
- lcg/external/cernlib/2006 area for slc4_ia32_gcc4 and slc4_amd64_gcc4.
- Had to rebuild the slc4 paw modules using the shared libshift library
- as the previous static version was incompatible with the Castor 2
- client.
+ Next actions
- Geant4
- Geant4 testing.
- Testing and preparation for the geant4.8.2.p01 release this week.
+ Problems & AOB
- Cernlib on the new lxplus (lx64slc4) caused considerable confusion and I
- was involved in helping users.
- A problem with the ROOT interface to hbook was caused by lxplus
- returning a 64-bit result from a Fortran function called from gcc/g++.
- I also sent a brief comment on my current understanding of the various
- Fortran options to C5.
Yves Perrin
+ Actions done and progress
- was away last week
- working on the tracker 'export' reported by Joachim Flammer
(one already solved, the other should be fixed by the end of
the day)
- helping a user who unsubscribed to Savannah but keeps being
reminded about a task he never completed (investigating a possible
bug though the solution is to complete/close the task)
+ Next actions
- upgrade my Windows system from Win2000 to XP (delayed until my
work for PHYSTAT is finished ... soon)
- install and get familiar with the Canoo WebTest package in view
of using it to develop a savannah QA test suite.
~ Will start making a survey of the "old" SPI pages, "new" SPI Twiki pages
and Wiki features
Stefan Roiser
+ Actions done
- Move more SPI web pages to Wiki
- Setting up a new instance of windows nightly builds on PCPHSFT15
- I would like to set it up without cygwin (except maybe for the ROOT build)
- More sw installations required (cvs, putty, ....)
- This machine is used only for testing, and to see what is the minimal
configuration for the final build machine
+ Next actions
- Nightlies on windows
- Move remaining services from lcagpp1 to lcgapp02
- Prepare lcgapp02/03 for new hypernews installation
+ Problems
- The installation for dcache_client was not correct. The dirs in
one level down from the bin-dir had no rx flags set for group/others
Fixed, tarball re-done.
- removed typos in externals/distribution externals/distNew2 *gc3*.tar.gz
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