Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

18–24 Aug 2024
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Australia/Brisbane timezone

Multi-nucleon matrix elements on the lattice with e-graph optimised Wick contractions and the Feynman-Hellmann theorem

22 Aug 2024, 11:00
Plenary 1

Plenary 1

Oral B: Light Quarks Light Quarks


Nabil Humphrey


The high-precision study of multi-nucleon matrix elements via lattice QCD requires numerical resources that increase dramatically with the number of nucleons, due to signal-to-noise degradation and a factorial number of Wick contraction terms. To address this, we present a particular variant of e-graphs (equality graphs) called tensor e-graphs which construct composite tensors that are ‘maximally’ re-used within the numerical evaluation of a set of tensor expressions. By applying tensor e-graph optimisation to multi-nucleon matrix elements, we present speed-ups for a range of interpolating operators. We also show how an extension of Feynman-Hellmann theorem techniques developed for forward Compton virtual photon-nucleon scattering in concert with e-graph optimisation can enable a pathway to high-precision study of virtual photon-multi-nucleon scattering using lattice QCD.

Primary author


Dr James Zanotti (The University of Adelaide) Dr K. Utku Can (The University of Adelaide) Ross Young William Detmold

Presentation materials