Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

18–24 Aug 2024
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Australia/Brisbane timezone

Deconfinement and chiral restoration phase transition under rotation from holography in an anisotropic gravitational background

21 Aug 2024, 14:30


Oral F: Nuclear and Astro-Particle Physics Nuclear and Astro-particle Physics


Yidian Chen (Hangzhou Normal University)


We investigate the effects of rotation on deconfinement and chiral phase transitions in the framework of dynamical holographic QCD model. Instead of transforming to the rotating system by Lorentz boost, we construct an anisotropic gravitational background by incorporating the rotating boundary current. We firstly investigate the pure gluon system under rotation to extract deconfinement phase transition from the Polyakov loop then add 2-flavor probe for chiral restoration phase transition from the chiral condensate. It is observed that at low chemical potentials, the deconfinement phase transition of pure gluon system is of first order and the chiral phase transition of 2-flavor system is of crossover. Both the critical temperatures of deconfinement and chiral phase transitions decrease/increase with imaginary/real angular velocity ($\Omega_I/\Omega$) as $T/T_c\sim 1- C_2 \Omega_I^2$ and $T/T_c\sim 1+ C_2 \Omega^2$, which is consistent with lattice QCD results. In the temperature-chemical potential $T-\mu$ phase diagram, the critical end point (CEP) moves towards regions of higher temperature and chemical potential with real angular velocity.

Primary authors

Yidian Chen (Hangzhou Normal University) Yidian Chen (Hangzhou Normal University)


Prof. Danning Li (Jinan University) Mei Huang (University of Chinese Academy of Scineces) Prof. Xun Chen (University of South China)

Presentation materials