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18–24 Aug 2024
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Australia/Brisbane timezone

Optimized two-loop QCD correction to exclusive double-J/psi production at the B factories

21 Aug 2024, 16:30


Oral C: Heavy Quarks Heavy Quarks


Wen-Long Sang (Southwest university, ChongQing, China)


In this talk, I will present our latest theoretical results regarding the exclusive double J/psi production at the B factory.
I will elucidate the reasons why the conventional NRQCD-based predictions for this process exhibit a notably poor convergence. I will then demonstrate that this convergence can be significantly enhanced by employing an improved NRQCD factorization approach. I will also present our most precise predictions, accurate up to NNLO QCD corrections, and discuss the detection prospects for this process.

Primary author

Wen-Long Sang (Southwest university, ChongQing, China)

Presentation materials