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18–24 Aug 2024
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Australia/Brisbane timezone

Quark deconfinement in neutron stars by Color-Molecular-Dynamics

22 Aug 2024, 14:30


Oral F: Nuclear and Astro-Particle Physics Nuclear and Astro-particle Physics


Nobutoshi Yasutake


We focus on the equation of state in neutron stars with the color molecular dynamics. This is based on the constituent quark model, and reproduces the quark confinement/deconfinement phenomena by solving the color degrees of freedom for each quark. The equation of state for dense matter is studied, and it replicates the saturation properties: symmetric energy, $L$−parameter, and incompressibility around nuclear density. The resultant mass-radius relations are consistent with the observations such as the gravitational wave observations, NICER etc. Our numerical results suggest that de-confined quark matter appears in the core of neutron stars via crossover. Although the current constraints from the observations are not enough to conclude whether quark matter appears at high-density region, our method would help to understand high-density material properties inside neutron stars in the future.

Primary authors

Nobutoshi Yasutake (Chiba Institute of Technology) Nobutoshi Yasutake

Presentation materials