Jun 10 – 14, 2024
The Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square
US/Pacific timezone

Progress and planning for the Site Investigations for the FCC Feasibility Study

Jun 11, 2024, 2:30 PM
Elizabethan C

Elizabethan C

(a) Talk abstract only Civil Engineering


Roddy Cunningham (CERN)


This presentation will recap the objectives of the Subsurface Site investigations (SSI) and the scope of the original campaign when it was released to tender in October 2023. It will discuss the results of the tender and detail the amendments to the original strategy based on these results and the availability of new geological data since 2023 and present the provisional programme for the SSI. Following this, it will describe the results that are expected from the campaign and indicate potential modifications to the baseline tunnel configurations and elevation arising from new data. Lastly, it will look at the site investigation campaigns that will follow this campaign and look at parallel studies that will be undertaken to reduce uncertainty in the design of the future FCC underground infrastructure.


Presentation materials