DD4hep Developers Meeting
Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom
Present: F.Brieuc, M.Frank, T.Madlehner, A.Sailer, J.Smiesko
1) Pending problems
1) ISSUE970: Support for digitization in ddsim
==> On hold
2) ISSUE 1010: Changing Geant4 physics flags
==> To be finished by Andre
3) ISSUE 1031: SimHits versus RecHits
==> Close due to inactivity ?
4) ISSUE1072: Enhancement request: Allow etaMin, etaMax bounds in Geant4IsotropeGenerator and DDSim/Helper/Gun.py enhancement.
5) ISSUE1092: Toroidal magnetic field (ATLAS like)
6) ISSUE1101: ddsim: Adjust default output based on compiled format support
7) ISSUE1103:Allow isotrope generator to throw range around specified (reference) direction
Unhandled up to now:
8) ISSUE 1114: Persist HepMC3 GenRunInfo attributes into metadata tree
9) ISSUE1117: New visualization by reference edits alpha value of referenced VisAttr.
==> Suggestion would not solve what he wants to solve. Transparency through parent-daughter relationships)
10) ISSUE 1130: MacOS Ambiguous assignment operator in Geant4Output2EDM4hep.cpp on LCG macOS platforms
Fixed. ==> Wait for caller
11) PR1016: OpticalSurface example: fix detector driver
==> Pending since November
2) Closed issues and fixed problems
PR1133/ISSUE1104: root output of ddsim: how to change. Was traced down to a problem in ddsim. Fixed by Andre. Test added.
PR1132: Add shape TGeoPara conversion to Geant4 (Thomas)
PR1136: Fix to CLICSiD GDML examples (enhancement of PR1135) (Thomas, Markus)
PR1137: Fix of typos (Andre)
PR1138: Fix to DetElementCreator plugin (Thomas)
PR1134: Test for issue 1134. Closes also ISSUE 1134, 1121
3) Round table
Markus: NTR
Andrei: NTR
Brieuc: (FCC) Struggling with twisted tubes. In case of problems come and see us.
Jurai: NTR
Thomas: Vertex endcap tracker from CLIC gave some trouble and questions. At the end traced down to the different handling of assemblies in Geant4.
4) AOB
Next meeting: 13. July 2023