LHC RRB - Overall timetable

LHC RRB Meeting April 2007

LHC Experiments and World LCG Resources Review Boards

Monday, April 23, 2007


CMS RRB (60/6-002) Visit CMS

24th meeting of CMS RRB

3:30 PM Introduction
J. Engelen
3:35 PM Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
3:40 PM Status of the experiment, including Financial Plan
J. Virdee
CERN-RRB-2007-023 CERN-RRB-2007-046 (slides)
4:20 PM LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
E. Tsesmelis
4:25 PM Financial matters
P. Geeraert
CERN-RRB-2007-009 CERN-RRB-2007-014 (slides)
Status of Common Fund accounts
Summary of market surveys & tenders
Status of M&O accounts
4:35 PM Construction Budgets
A. Petrilli
Expenditure 1995-2006
CERN-RRB-2007-024 CERN-RRB-2007-047 (slides)
Preliminary Draft Budget for 2008
4:55 PM M&O Budgets
A. Petrilli
Expenditure for 2006
CERN-RRB-2007-026 CERN-RRB-2007-048 (slides)
Preliminary Draft Budget for 2008
5:15 PM Summary
Future activities, date of next meeting, AOB
J. Engelen