13th Seminar of HITRIplus - The EU-RAPTOR project, Francesca Albertini, PSI



Manjit Dosanjh

Global general scientific seminars linked to the HITRIplus project activities organised in the context of WP2 Networking, Communication, and Dissemination.

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About Francesca Albertini:

Francesca Albertini graduated in Physics and obtained her Master of Science (MSc) in Nuclear Physics from the University of Milan in 2002. During her postgraduate studies in Medical Physics, she started her internship in Nuclear Medicine at the National Institute for Tumours in Milan. In 2004 she moved to Switzerland where she completed her training in radiotherapy at the Proton Therapy Centre of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). 

She was fortunate to be able to combine a PhD on the evaluation and estimation of the impact of uncertainties in active scanning proton therapy with her work as a clinical medical physicist at PSI. Since 2011, when she completed her PhD in physics at the ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Zurich, she has coordinated the further development of the in-house developed treatment planning used clinically at PSI for 5 years. Her research then focused on advanced approaches to treatment planning, proton therapy workflow and quality assurance. 

For 7 years she has been the principal investigator of national and international grants on online adaptive proton therapy. She is now the scientific coordinator of the European consortium H2020-MSCA-ITN RAPTOR (Real-time Adaptive Particle Therapy Of canceR), which aims to bring online adaptive therapy into the clinic.

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Petya Georgieva
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Manjit Dosanjh
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