The next generation projects in Deep Underground Laboratories
Thursday, June 30, 2011 (11:00 AM)
Saturday, July 2, 2011 (7:00 PM)
Monday, June 27, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
11:00 AM
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
11:30 AM
A.I. Elduque, J.A. Villar, B.Saghai
A.I. Elduque, J.A. Villar, B.Saghai
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
12:00 PM
Report on the Aspera Roadmap
C. Spiering
Report on the Aspera Roadmap
C. Spiering
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Astroparticle physics and Interdisciplinary research
Astroparticle physics and Interdisciplinary research
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
12:30 PM
Interdisciplinary research in Underground laboratories
E. Coccia
Interdisciplinary research in Underground laboratories
E. Coccia
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
1:30 PM
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
3:00 PM
Dark Matter searches in Europe
G. Gerbier
Dark Matter searches in Europe
G. Gerbier
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Dark Matter projects
Dark Matter projects
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
3:30 PM
Dark matter projects in North America and related experiments.
C. Galbiati
Dark matter projects in North America and related experiments.
C. Galbiati
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
4:00 PM
Dark Matter search in Asia
H. Chen
Dark Matter search in Asia
H. Chen
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
5:00 PM
Neutrino Mass in Europe
A. Giuliani
Neutrino Mass in Europe
A. Giuliani
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Neutrino Mass
Neutrino Mass
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
5:30 PM
Neutrino Mass measurements in America
G. Gratta
Neutrino Mass measurements in America
G. Gratta
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
6:00 PM
Neutrino Mass studies in Asia
T. Kishimoto
Neutrino Mass studies in Asia
T. Kishimoto
6:00 PM - 6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Friday, July 1, 2011
9:30 AM
Proton Decay projects in Europe
A. Rubbia
Proton Decay projects in Europe
A. Rubbia
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Proton Decay projects
Proton Decay projects
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
10:00 AM
Proton Decay projects in America
R. Svoboda
Proton Decay projects in America
R. Svoboda
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
10:30 AM
Large Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors in Asia
M. Shiozawa
Large Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors in Asia
M. Shiozawa
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
11:30 AM
Deep Underground laboratories in Europe Union
Deep Underground laboratories in Europe Union
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
The Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc and its scientific activity
A. Bettini
The Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc and its scientific activity
A. Bettini
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
12:00 PM
The Gran Sasso National Laboratory and its future scientific programme
L. Pandola
The Gran Sasso National Laboratory and its future scientific programme
L. Pandola
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
12:30 PM
Modane Underground Laboratory
F. Piquemal
Modane Underground Laboratory
F. Piquemal
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM
Update for the Boulby Deep Underground Science Facility
S. Paling
Update for the Boulby Deep Underground Science Facility
S. Paling
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
1:30 PM
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
3:00 PM
Deep Underground laboratories in Japan
M. Shiozawa
Deep Underground laboratories in Japan
M. Shiozawa
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
deep Underground laboratories in Asia
deep Underground laboratories in Asia
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
3:30 PM
Deep Underground laboratories in China
C. Yang
Deep Underground laboratories in China
C. Yang
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
4:00 PM
Underground Experimental Program in Korea
S-K. Kim
Underground Experimental Program in Korea
S-K. Kim
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
5:00 PM
Deep Underground laboratories in Russia
Deep Underground laboratories in Russia
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Deep Underground laboratories in Russia and America
Deep Underground laboratories in Russia and America
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
5:30 PM
Developments at SNOLAB
N. Smith
Developments at SNOLAB
N. Smith
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
6:00 PM
Deep Underground laboratories in the US
G. Gilchriese
Deep Underground laboratories in the US
G. Gilchriese
6:00 PM - 6:30 PM
6:30 PM
The ANDES Underground laboratory in South America
X. Bertou
The ANDES Underground laboratory in South America
X. Bertou
6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Saturday, July 2, 2011
9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
11:30 AM
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
11:30 AM
Round Table
1:45 PM
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
3:00 PM
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM - 7:00 PM