26–31 May 2024
Western University
America/Toronto timezone
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Detecting and quantifying orbital magnetism in moiré quantum matter

29 May 2024, 11:00
SSC Rm 2020 (cap. 80) (Social Science Centre, Western U.)

SSC Rm 2020 (cap. 80)

Social Science Centre, Western U.

Invited Speaker / Conférencier(ère) invité(e) Condensed Matter and Materials Physics / Physique de la matière condensée et matériaux (DCMMP-DPMCM) (DCMMP) W2-7 Fluctuations, interactions and Disorder in Condensed Matter | Fluctuations, interactions et désordre dans la matière condensée (DPMCM)


Yulia Maximenko (Colorado State University)


Newly discovered properties of magic angle graphene and other systems from the same family propelled the field of twistronics and motivated new research into tunable unconventional quantum phases. The research is driven in part by the search for robust quantum anomalous Hall insulators, topological superconductivity, correlated electronic states, and fractional statistics and by the prospect of quantum simulation in solid state. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has proved crucial for the progress of the moiré physics research. Through high-resolution magnetic-field scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we demonstrate the importance of the fine details of quantum geometry in moiré quantum matter. Specifically, I will report on the detection of the orbital magnetic moment and the emergent anomalously large orbital magnetic susceptibility in twisted double bilayer graphene.

Keyword-1 twisted graphene
Keyword-2 scanning tunneling microscopy
Keyword-3 orbital magnetism

Primary authors

Yulia Maximenko (Colorado State University) Dr Marlou Slot (NIST)


Dr Paul Haney (NIST) Sungmin Kim (NIST) Dr Nikolai Zhitenev (NIST) Prof. Fereshte Ghahari Kemari (GMU) Dr Joseph Stroscio (NIST)

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