- 32.3.0 deployed
- Testing for using --deep for all list_dataset_replica requests
- For now looks promising (Last test had unrelated problems)
- Rucio 32 deployment running in development
- Everything but WebUI and monitoring
- Name switch for hermes <-> hermes_legacy
- Q: statsd / prometheus / both?
- Expose the same metrics
- Any intention of removing statsd? -> no
- Q: automatix client auth part not working
- helm-charts updated with 0600 permissions for the x509_up file
- Still same problem with auth
- 1.29.6 vs 1.29.12 -> should not matter
- Brandon: Fixing volume for etc/grid-security certificates
- RUBIN: Data management workshop
- Data archival on rucio-backed tape RSE
- Custom non-det algorithm to store PFN
- Archive-ZIP file features in Rucio (Martin will send link to Brandon)
- Belle II
- Network system class @ Yale will cover Rucio!
- KM3Net
- Trying to setup rucio for KM3Net
- Setting up RSEs
- Struggling with database a bit
- MariaDB vs. Postgres
- Userlogin to Rucio stopped working with switch to Postgres?