8–12 Jul 2024
Fiesta Americana
America/Mexico_City timezone

Calculation of Long Gamma-Ray Burst Pseudo-Redshifts using the Amati Correlation

11 Jul 2024, 11:30
Fiesta Americana

Fiesta Americana

Puerto Vallarta
Contributed Contributed talks


Gabriela Xol


Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are high-energy events that release isotropic energy on the order of $10^{48}$ - $10^{55}$ erg. They are classified into long or short bursts depending on their observed duration. Long GRBs have a duration ($t_{90}$) greater than 2 seconds, and their progenitors are associated with the collapse of massive stars (collapsars).

Distances are only known for a small number of GRBs. Empirical correlations have led to various methods for obtaining pseudo-redshift calculations. One of the most well-studied correlation is the $E_{peak}-E_{iso}$ correlation, also known as the Amati correlation, which relates the peak energy of the Band function of the $\nu F\nu$ spectrum in the GRB frame to the equivalent isotropic energy for long GRBs.

In this work, a sample of long GRBs from the Fermi telescope catalogue is analized, and the Amati correlation is used to infer pseudo-redshifts. This research was supported by the UNAM-PAPIIT project number IG101323.

Primary author

Gabriela Xol


Dr Jose Rodrigo Sacahui Reyes María Magdalena González (IA-UNAM) Yunior Frainen Pérez Araujo (IA-UNAM)

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