WG4 and grant committee meeting
First meeting of WG4 and the grant committee - 04/10/2023
* STSM grants:
- target travel across borders -- even outside Europe
- grants have to be within 4k EUR but other rules can mostly be set by us.
- we want to spend all the money within a grant period (GP).
- we need to keep the scientific relevance and inclusiveness (geography, gender, juniority) in mind when allocating grants.
* Allocation of STSM grants:
- two options, either first come first serve, or open calls during a few weeks for a given period and with a given budget?
- if so, should a call be open for the upcoming X months or for a whole GP?
- the favoured option is four calls per GP covering both the upcoming few months and later periods, more details below.
* Templates:
- see https://www.cost.eu/uploads/2021/12/Grant-Awarding-userguide.pdf
- https://www.cost.eu/STSM_GrantApplication
- https://www.cost.eu/STSM_Report
- https://www.cost.eu/ITCConference_GrantApplication
- https://www.cost.eu/ITCConference_Report
- applications are filled online through e-cost + should we request letters from the host (and home?) institutes, CV, support from the WG leaders?
* Decisions:
Calls for ITC conferences and STSMs at the same time, but different application forms. No dissemination grants for the first call.
Calls every 3 months
call closing | travel window
15/11/23 | 01/12/23 -- 15/10/24
10/01/24 | 01/02/24 -- 15/10/24
10/04/24 | 01/05/24 -- 15/10/24
10/07/24 | 01/08/24 -- 31/01/25
- budget for each trimester = TOT / 4, that may be modified by the grant committee if needed.
- for each trimester, at most half of the budget is reserved to not "last minute" applications, where "last minute" applications are those which are requested for the closest travel window.
- travel ban in the last two weeks of October (just before the end of a GP).
- calls to be sent by the Grant Committee Chair to COMETA_ALL at least three weeks ahead of a call closing date.
Submission procedure
- Online grant applications: https://e-services.cost.eu/activity/grants/add
- Application form + additional uploaded documents (for both STSM and ITC).
- Letter of invitation:
- STSM: from the host (physical person, not institute),
- ITC: from the conference organisers, or copy of accepted abstract.
- CV including publications (for both STSM and ITC).
- Support letter from supervisors for PhD and master students (for both STSM and ITC).
- Evaluation criteria:
- scientific relevance,
- geographical inclusiveness (note that the ITC classification is according to the home institute of the candidate),
- gender balance,
- younger people (< 40 y.o.),
- the grant committee may contact WG leaders in case of need for decision.
- Evaluation procedure:
- the grant committee chair first prepares and distributes a summary of the applications,
- in case of a conflict of interest, the implied member of the committee does not participate in the evaluation of that single application,
- closed evaluation committee meeting (open to participation, but not voting, for the chair and vice chair).
- Evaluation response:
- minutes of the decisions,
- we think that the grant committee has the right to reduce the STSM requests: does the COST system and rules allow for it?
- if it's not possible, the committee does not approve the application and asks for a new submission with a new amount within days of the first decision,
- if the submitter does not accept, the STSM is rejected.
There are minutes attached to this event.
Show them.