2nd Hackathon of IPPOG's WG on Applications for Society
The members of the WG will meet at CERN in order to work on the so far collected materials and write few stories.
Reminder: Aim of the WG is to collect existing and write new stories with human touch about the practical applications of fundamental research for the benefit of society.
Zoom connection: https://cern.zoom.us/j/62980725173?pwd=TldZNGFFSlZGaVIzS1ZrQk5QT0FGdz09
Materials and links:
List of interesting subjects proposed for stories can be found here. You can get an inspiration and also add your idea into the google document.
You can find list of different resources and links to the materials here.
Collection of stories drafted by WG during Hackathons by now can be accessed here.
Success stories published and collected by WG members categorized with metadata are here.
Website with some WG's materials: (Particle) Physics and Society