Jul 7 – 12, 2024
Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus
Europe/Vienna timezone


Join us at ECCTI from the 7th-12th of July 2024!

ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges.

We invite graduate students and early career researchers (within 5 years of completing a PhD) to share their cutting-edge work with a global audience. Dive into the physics research of today with a focus on:

  • Atomic Clocks
  • Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies
  • Antimatter Physics
  • Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy
  • Nuclear Physics

Why Attend? Engage in fruitful discussions shaping the future of physics. Connect with potential colleagues, broaden your perspectives, and partake in interactive sessions to develop skills essential for a successful career in research or industry. In addition, we will have the honor to host David Wineland throughout the conference, Nobel prize laureate who received the prize for his pioneering work on ground state cooling of trapped ions and for opening the door to the experimental study of the interaction between light and matter.

🌈 We encourage applications from a diverse community. Additional support is available for those facing attendance barriers. Part-time PhD students and those having been on career breaks are exempt from the 5-year post-PhD limit. Each application is assessed individually.


Funded in whole or in part by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) 10.55776/COE1 and the European Union - NextGenerationEU


Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus
Hörsaal B (Technik)
Technikerstraße 25a, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Application for this event is currently open.
There is an open survey.