Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

26 February 2024 to 1 March 2024
University of Athens, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone

University of Athens Front


This workshop provides a platform for presentations and open discussions on current and future directions on Electro-Weak, Strong and Beyond the Standard Model (SM) Processes. In particular, the recent advances on Beta and Double Beta Decay Modes, related processes in Neutrino-Nucleus (Neutral/Charged Current) reactions along with Dark Matter/Dark Energy physics will be discussed. Also, presentations on Measuring Fundamental Physical Constants as well as on Precision Physics in Purely Leptonic Atoms combined with accurate predictions coming from Advanced Solutions of the Governing Differential Equations are included. 

Today, with the accumulated Experimental, Phenomenological and Theoretical experience it is widely known that a great portion of Leptonic, semi-Leptonic and Hadronic processes cannot be fully interpreted within the framework of Electro-Weak and Strong Standard Model interactions. Experimental verifications point to the necessity of going Beyond the SM and investigate BSM processes.

Towards this aim, several Double Beta Decay experiments (KamLAND-Zen, SNO+, EXO-200/nEXO, NEXT, LEGEND, CUORE, CUPID, SuperNEMO, COBRA,…) took data with enriched isotopes as detection medium (order of hundreds kg). Designed Experiments plan to use tonne-scale Detectors of several isotopes and employ various detection techniques. Such Experiments require Nuclear Matrix Elements predictions with Appreciable Reliability and Accuracy.

Extended aims of this Workshop include, complementary scientific areas where the same detection techniques are applied, namely: in Rare Electroweak Decays, in Neutrino Properties (DUNE, T2K, etc. experiments),  in Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering, CEvNS (COHERENT, ESS, Coherent CAPTAIN Mills, Dresden-II, CONUS, NUCELUS, CONNIE, RICOCHET, vGEN, NEWS-G etc. experiments) and in Dark Matter Detection (XENONnT, LUX-LEPLIN, PandaX experiments). Furthermore,  the current status of Observations and Phenomenology in Dark Energy are also included.

BSM Physics is searched through the Lepton Flavor Violation (LFV) and charged-LFV (cLFV) with powerful probes as (μ-,e-), (μ-,e+), Muonium-Antimuonium Conversion, etc. In this workshop, recent experimental results and prospects for the designed New Experiments along with the Current Theoretical Status of relevant models will be discussed.

The workshop invites contributions presenting the status of theory and precision measurements (Mu-MASS, g-2, MUSE, etc. experiments) in purely leptonic atoms as, e.g. the 1S-2S energy interval in the Muonium (μ+e-) leptonic atom, and the decay of Positronium (e+e-) atom which is capable to test discrete symmetries. The recent progress in the topic of measuring the related Fundamental Physical Constants will also be discussed. 

Finally, since the wealth of available data in the above physics topics necessitates Accurate Predictions from Physical Theories (QED, BSM, etc.) that are governed by the Fundamental Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), Schrödinger, Dirac, Klein-Gordon, etc., we welcome discussions on Advanced Solutions of these Equations. There will be presentations on Accurately Solving these Fundamental PDEs utilizing Physics–Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) which are scientific Machine Learning Techniques.

Topics to be Covered


Electroweak, Strong & BSM Interactions                                             BSM Physics in Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Neutrino Properties, ν-Nucleus Processes (SM/BSM)                     CEvNS (Coherent Experiments/Theory/Phenomenology)
Rare Muonic Processes, cLFV Processes: (μ-,e-), (μ-,e+)                 Muonium-Antimuonium Conversion, etc.
Search for Leptonic Atoms (Mu, Ps,...), Symmetries & Forces        MUSE, Mu-MASS, g-2, etc. Experiments, Theory
Dark Matter (Direct Detection of CDM, etc.)                                        Dark Energy (Observations, Phenomenology)
Numerical Tools for Fundamental PDEs/ODEs in Physics                Physics Informed Neural Networks Tools in Physics


Confirmed Plenary Speakers

Mihai Horoi                                                                Yoshitaka Kuno
Sabin Stoica                                                               Eremey Valetov
Mario Gomez                                                             Dimitrios Papoulias
Irene Cortinovis                                                        John Vergados
Vassilis Spanos                                                         Emannuel Saridakis
Jouni Souhonen                                                        Horst Lenske
Leandros Perivolaropoulos                                    Konstantinos Dialektopoulos
Tatsushi Shima                                                          Eliahu Comay






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University of Athens, Greece
Amphitheater "Alkis Argyriades"
Historical Central Building, Panepistimiou St. 30, 10679 Athens, Greece
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