DD4hep Developers Meeting



Andre Sailer (CERN), Markus Frank (CERN)

Please Join DD4hep developer's meeting via Zoom

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Andre Sailer
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Present:  A. Sailer

1) Pending problems

1) ISSUE970:  Support for digitization in ddsim
                       ==> On hold, but should be closed.
2) ISSUE1103: Allow isotrope generator to throw range around specified (reference) direction: Waiting for user
3) ISSUE1163: materialScan is not adapted for USE_GEANT4_UNITS
4) ISSUE1167: Charge sharing across tracker segmentation  ---> DDDigi
5) ISSUE1173:  memory issue for large geometries
                       ===> Discussion ongoing, but is not really an issue. Geometries have to be build not with brute force.

                       ===> Was a bug in TGeo caused by large number of daughters

6)  ISSUE1200: Using rotation in DDCAD to rotate around z axis 
                      ===> Should be a non-issue (?)
7)  ISSUE1199:Persist hepmc vertex status code into output
                     ===> Should we eliminate Geant4EventReaderHepMC
                     ===> Decision: Geant4EventReaderHepMC will be removed
8) ISSUE1197:  DDEve cannot be built against ROOT without webgui
9) PR1198 Set the edm4hep::MCParticle momentum as doubles once it becomes possible

2)    Closed issues and fixed problems

1) ISSUE1193:  Custom identifiers for readouts are not (no longer) working
                     ===> Actually lc_geo issue. Issue in the CaloPrototype code.

2) ISSUE 1194: DD4hep incompatible with Python 3.12 
       PR1195 Replace imp module usage

3) ISSUE1207: Error when running ddsim on macOS: SIP issue

4) ISSUE1208: No help message for teveDisplay: restored behaviour, more or less  --> PR1209

5) Restored coverity by moving to EL9 -> PR 1206

6) Geant4PrimaryHandling: fix issue with multiple vertices in Geant4 GPS -> PR1205


3) Round table

Andre:         Made a new release for LCG_105

4) AOB

Next meeting:   January 25, 2024

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