12:30 PM
Forum on early career development
Saptaparna Bhattacharya
(Wayne State University (US))
Midhat Farooq
(until 2:00 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
12:30 PM
Early Career Forum: Navigating the academic job market: perspectives of an early career scientist
Saptaparna Bhattacharya
(Wayne State University (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
1:15 PM
Early Career Forum -
Midhat Farooq
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
12:30 PM
Funding Agencies
Jeremy Love
(Argonne National Laboratory (US))
(until 2:00 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
12:30 PM
Funding Agencies
Abid Patwa
(until 2:00 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 107)
2:00 PM
Cosmology & Dark Energy
Fazlollah Hajkarim
(University of Oklahoma)
(until 3:30 PM)
(Barco Law Building 107)
2:00 PM
Can we use Baryon Acoustic Oscillations distances?
Stefano Anselmi
(University of Padua, Department of Physics and Astronomy - INFN, Sezione di Padova)
(Barco Law Building 107)
2:30 PM
(Barco Law Building 107)
2:45 PM
Cosmological Probes of Dark Radiation from Neutrino Mixing
- Dr
Itamar Allali
(Brown University)
(Barco Law Building 107)
3:00 PM
Dark Radiation Isocurvature from Cosmological Phase Transitions
Mitchell Weikert
(Rutgers University)
(Barco Law Building 107)
3:15 PM
Cosmic Millicharge Background and Reheating Probes
Xucheng Gan
(Barco Law Building 107)
2:00 PM
Dark Matter
Robert McGehee
(University of Minnesota)
(until 3:30 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
2:00 PM
Probing Heavy Asymmetric Dark Matter with the Glashow Resonance
Qinrui Liu
(Queen's University)
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
2:15 PM
Phase Transition of Conformal Freeze-In Dark Matter
Lillian Luo
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
2:30 PM
Pure Glue Dark Sector Cosmology
Riku Mizuta
(TRIUMF / University of British Columbia)
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
2:45 PM
Forbidden Conformal Dark Matter at a GeV
Steven Ferrante
(Cornell University)
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
3:00 PM
Recycling: A New Mechanism for Producing Ultra Heavy Particle Dark Matter
Thomas Gehrman
(University of Oklahoma)
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
3:15 PM
Higgsino Signals from White Dwarfs in the Inner Galaxy
Javier Fernández Acevedo
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
2:00 PM
Dark Matter
Erwin Tanin
(Johns Hopkins University)
(until 3:30 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
2:00 PM
MagLev for Dark Matter
Zhen Liu
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
2:15 PM
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
2:45 PM
Probing (ultra-) light Dark Matter Using Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Abhishek Banerjee
(University of Maryland)
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
3:00 PM
Electron Trap as a meV Axion and Dark Photon Dark Matter Detector
Yawen Xiao
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
3:15 PM
Atom interferometer detection of dark matter
Yufeng Du
(California Institute of Technology)
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
2:00 PM
Electroweak & Higgs Physics
Samuel Homiller
(Harvard University)
(until 3:30 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
2:00 PM
Search for exotic Higgs decay H->ll+MET with the ATLAS experiment
Enzo Daniele Brandani
(University of Pittsburgh (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
2:15 PM
Constraints on the yH production cross-section and on anomalous Higgs boson couplings with the CMS detector.
Jeffrey Davis
(Johns Hopkins University (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
2:30 PM
VH, H->cc Search in the Resolved-jet Regime at CMS
Trevor Russell
(Brown University (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
2:45 PM
VBF H(bb/cc) from sensitivity study to full analysis using ATLAS
Trevor Rylan Hart
(California State University (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
3:00 PM
Complete predictions for the bottom Yukawa coupling at O(alpha alpha_s)
Daniele Gaggero
(SUNY Buffalo)
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
3:15 PM
ATLAS Search for Charged Higgs $H^{\pm\pm}$ and $H^{\pm}$ in context of the GM Model
Thomas Gosart
(University of Pennsylvania (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
2:00 PM
Machine Learning & AI
Prasanth Shyamsundar
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
(until 3:30 PM)
(Barco Law Building 109)
2:00 PM
Trackless Jet Vertexing and Timing using ML
Wen Han Chiu
(Barco Law Building 109)
2:15 PM
Towards a data-driven model of hadronization using normalizing flows
Ahmed Youssef
(University of Cincinnati)
(Barco Law Building 109)
2:30 PM
Search for New Physics in the Merged Diphoton plus Photon final state with the CMS Detector
Austin Edwin Townsend
(University of Notre Dame (US))
(Barco Law Building 109)
2:45 PM
The versatility of flow-based fast calorimeter surrogate models
Ian Pang
(Barco Law Building 109)
3:00 PM
Studies into di-Tau mass reconstruction for high mass resonances at the ATLAS experiment
Kyle Angelo Granados
(California State University (US))
(Barco Law Building 109)
3:15 PM
Deep Learning Based Tagger for Highly Collimated Photons at CMS
Kyungmin Park
(Carnegie-Mellon University (US))
(Barco Law Building 109)
2:00 PM
Silvia Zorzetti
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
(until 3:30 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 121)
2:00 PM
Quantum Sensing for Fundamental Physics
Anthony Brady
(University of Southern California)
(David Lawrence Hall 121)
2:30 PM
Radiation Sensing with Superconducting Transmon Qubits
Tanay Roy
(Associate Scientist)
(David Lawrence Hall 121)
2:50 PM
Quantum Measurement for Axion Dark Matter Searches
Saptarshi Chaudhuri
(Princeton University)
(David Lawrence Hall 121)
3:10 PM
Exploring Quantum Machine Learning for High-Energy Physics
- Prof.
Shabnam Jabeen
(University of Maryland)
Jinghong Yang
(David Lawrence Hall 121)
2:00 PM
Neutrino Physics
London Cooper-Troendle
(until 3:30 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 107)
2:00 PM
Pion-Argon Cross Section Measurement Using ProtoDUNE-SP
Jacob Michael Calcutt
(Oregon State University (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 107)
2:15 PM
Hadron production measurements at NA61/SHINE for accelerator-based neutrino experiments
Lu Ren
(University of Colorado Boulder (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 107)
2:30 PM
DUNE Systematic Flux Uncertainties
- Mr
Ian D. Kotler FRAS for the DUNE Collaboration
(Drexel University)
(David Lawrence Hall 107)
2:45 PM
(David Lawrence Hall 107)
2:00 PM
Neutrino Physics
Pablo François Felix Kunze
(until 3:30 PM)
(Barco Law Building 111)
2:00 PM
Modeling Uncertainties and Future IceCube Constraints on Neutrino Self-Interactions
- Dr
Jeffrey Hyde
(Swarthmore College)
(Barco Law Building 111)
2:15 PM
Final state radiation from high and ultrahigh energy neutrino interactions
Bei Zhou
(Barco Law Building 111)
2:30 PM
Searching for correlations between HAWC gamma-ray observations and IceCube high energy neutrino events.
Natalia Tapia Arellano
(University of Utah)
(Barco Law Building 111)
2:45 PM
Constraining Neutrino Self-Interactions Using IceCube Data from Multiple Sources
Sabrina Hanning
(Barco Law Building 111)
3:00 PM
Results From TeV Neutrinos at the FASER Experiment
Ali Garabaglu
(University of Washington (US))
(Barco Law Building 111)
3:15 PM
The LHC as a Neutrino-Ion Collider
Max Fieg
(University of California Irvine (US))
(Barco Law Building 111)
2:00 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Ian Lewis
(The University of Kansas)
(until 3:30 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
2:00 PM
Search for new resonances decaying to pairs of highly merged diphotons in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV with the CMS detector
Steven Clark
(Rutgers State Univ. of New Jersey (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
2:15 PM
Search for soft unclustered energy patterns in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV
Luca Lavezzo
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
2:30 PM
Search For Low-Mass Quark-Antiquark Resonances Produced With an Initial State Photon at 13 TeV Using the CMS Detector
Adam Albert Kobert
(Rutgers State Univ. of New Jersey (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
2:45 PM
Search for t-channel leptoquark production in the high mass dimuon and dielectron spectra
Sanjana Sekhar
(Johns Hopkins University (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
3:00 PM
Search for long-lived charged particles using the CMS detector in Run 2
Petar Maksimovic
(Johns Hopkins University (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
3:15 PM
Searches for long-lived particles and other non-conventional signatures with the CMS tracker and calorimeter systems
Kiley Elizabeth Kennedy
(Princeton University (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
2:00 PM
Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics
Yousen Zhang
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
(until 3:30 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
2:00 PM
Searching for Extra Higgs Bosons in the General 2HDM
George Wei-Shu Hou
(National Taiwan University (TW))
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
2:15 PM
Baryon Number Violation Involving Tauons
Julian Heeck
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
2:30 PM
Phenomenologically Viable Froggatt-Nielsen Solutions to the Lepton Flavor Puzzle
Micah Mellors
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
2:45 PM
Lepton Flavor Violation by Two Units
Mikheil Sokhashvili
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
3:00 PM
Generalizing flavored (flavon-based) scalar potentials and their minima
Ming-Shau Liu
(University of Cambridge)
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
3:15 PM
UV imprints on muon-to-electron conversion
Tony Menzo
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
3:30 PM
Coffee Break
(until 4:00 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall and Barco Law Building)
4:00 PM
Cosmology & Dark Energy
Michael Shamma
(until 5:30 PM)
(Barco Law Building 107)
4:00 PM
w = -1.73 solves the Hubble tension, but destroys the universe
David Lindsay
(None - Retired)
(Barco Law Building 107)
4:15 PM
A Ratio-Preserving Approach to Concordance Cosmology
Kylar Greene
(University of New Mexico)
(Barco Law Building 107)
4:30 PM
Dark Acoustic Oscillation Faces the Cosmological Tensions
- Dr
Taewook Youn
(Cornell University)
(Barco Law Building 107)
4:45 PM
Baryogenesis and Gravitational Wave Production in Simple Left-Right Model
Matthew Knauss
(William & Mary)
(Barco Law Building 107)
5:00 PM
Baryon asymmetry from dark matter decay in the vicinity of a phase transition
Indrajit Saha
(IIT Guwahati, India)
(Barco Law Building 107)
5:15 PM
Cosmological implications of gauged $U(1)_{B-L}$ on $\Delta N_{\rm eff}$ in the CMB and BBN
Haidar Esseili
(University of Oregon)
(Barco Law Building 107)
4:00 PM
Dark Matter
Julian Heeck
Julian Heeck
(until 5:30 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
4:00 PM
Weaker gravity and thermal relic abundance
Matthew Sullivan
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
4:15 PM
The Power of the Dark Sink
Robert McGehee
(University of Minnesota)
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
4:30 PM
Indirect searches for dark matter in the time domain
Ngan Nguyen
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
4:45 PM
Signals of ALP-Mediated Dark Matter and its UV Completions
John Coffey
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
5:00 PM
QCD Axion-mediated Dark Matter
Pankaj Munbodh
(University of California Santa Cruz)
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
5:15 PM
(David Lawrence Hall 120)
4:00 PM
Electroweak & Higgs Physics
(Brown U.)
(until 5:30 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
4:00 PM
N3LO soft-gluon corrections to H+ H- production
Nikolaos Kidonakis
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
4:15 PM
Synthetic Datasets for HH->4b Background Modeling
John Alison
(Carnegie-Mellon University (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
4:30 PM
Search for Higgs boson pair production in the decay channel to two bottom quarks and two W bosons using CMS data
Devin Michael Aebi
(Texas A & M University (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
4:45 PM
Benchmarks on Double Higgs Production
Miguel Angel Soto Alcaraz
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
5:00 PM
Search for pair production of higgsinos in events with two Higgs bosons and missing transverse momentum in $\sqrt{s}$=13 TeV $pp$ collisions at the ATLAS experiment
Michael Donald Hank
(University of Pennsylvania (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
5:15 PM
(David Lawrence Hall 207)
4:00 PM
Neutrino Physics
Anil Thapa
(University of Virginia)
(until 5:30 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 107)
4:00 PM
Unleashing the Power of EFT in Neutrino–Nucleus Scattering
- Dr
Zahra Tabrizi
(Northwestern University)
(David Lawrence Hall 107)
4:15 PM
Recent MicroBooNE cross section results
London Cooper-Troendle
(David Lawrence Hall 107)
4:30 PM
Quasi-Elastic Lepton Nucleus Scattering and the Correlated Fermi Gas Model
Sam Carey
(Wayne State University)
(David Lawrence Hall 107)
4:45 PM
Measuring Neutral Pion Production in Muon Antineutrino Charged-Current Interactions at the NOvA Near Detector
- Dr
Wanwei Wu
(University of Pittsburgh)
(David Lawrence Hall 107)
5:00 PM
The Importance of Proper Flux Treatment and Model Validation in Cross Section Measurements and Comparisons
London Cooper-Troendle
(David Lawrence Hall 107)
5:15 PM
Comparison of Predictions of Neutrino MC Generators (Run in Electron-Mode) to a Global Extraction of the 12C Longitudinal and Transverse Nuclear Electromagnetic Response Functions from all Electron Scattering Measurements on Carbon
- Mr
Zihao Lin
(University of Rochester)
(David Lawrence Hall 107)
4:00 PM
Neutrino Physics
Ks Babu
(Oklahoma State University)
Kaladi Babu
(until 5:30 PM)
(Barco Law Building 111)
4:00 PM
Project 8: Measuring the Neutrino Mass Using Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy
Luiz de Viveiros
(Pennsylvania State University)
(Barco Law Building 111)
4:15 PM
Reactor antineutrino flux from neutrino-13C neutral current interactions
Min-Gwa Park
(Jeonbuk National University)
(Barco Law Building 111)
4:30 PM
Status of the D2O Detector for the COHERENT Experiment
Gen Li
(Carnegie Mellon University)
(Barco Law Building 111)
4:45 PM
Status of the KATRIN Experiment
Byron Abraham Daniel
(Carnegie Mellon)
(Barco Law Building 111)
5:00 PM
A neutrino floor for the Migdal effect
Gonzalo Herrera
(Barco Law Building 111)
5:15 PM
Cherenkov Light Identification at Coherent Captain-Mills Experiment
Darcy Newmark
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
(Barco Law Building 111)
4:00 PM
Outreach, Community Engagement & DEI
Alice Bean
(The University of Kansas (US))
(until 5:30 PM)
(Barco Law Building 109)
4:00 PM
Software Training as an enabler of community engagement and broader impacts
Sudhir Malik
(University of Puerto Rico (US))
(Barco Law Building 109)
4:15 PM
ColliderScope: Electronic(s) Music for Collider Physics
Lawrence Lee Jr
(University of Tennessee (US))
(Barco Law Building 109)
4:30 PM
Thinking Like a Physicist, for Non-Physicists
Jennifer Kile
(Barco Law Building 109)
4:45 PM
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts of the nEXO Collaboration
Kirsten McMichael
(Carnegie Mellon University)
(Barco Law Building 109)
5:00 PM
Physics Pedagogy Study: Building an Inclusive Community Research in an Undergraduate Institution/Inclusive Physics Communities
Kallan Berglund
(Barco Law Building 109)
5:15 PM
(Barco Law Building 109)
4:00 PM
Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Christopher Cappiello
(until 5:30 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
4:00 PM
Higgs-Coupled Freeze-In Baryogenesis
David Tucker-Smith
(Williams College)
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
4:15 PM
Baryon Number Violation in Neutron Stars and the Lab
Adrian Thompson
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
4:30 PM
Collider testable leptogenesis
Yannis Georis
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
4:45 PM
Simulating Heavy Neutral Leptons with General Couplings at Forward Collider Experiments
Alec Hewitt
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
5:00 PM
Utilizing the Iron Dump at Short Baseline Neutrino Facilities to Probe Heavy Neutral Lepton and Dark Matter
Debopam Goswami
(Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University)
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
5:15 PM
(David Lawrence Hall 106)
4:00 PM
QCD & Heavy Ion Physics
Joey Huston
(Michigan State University (US))
(until 5:30 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
4:00 PM
Revealing the fundamental character of the strong force: From PDFs to the underlying QCD.
- Prof.
Fred Olness
(Southern Methodist University (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
4:15 PM
Simple calculation of the Coulomb-nuclear corrections in $pp$ and $\bar{p}p$ scattering
Phuoc Ha
(Towson University)
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
4:30 PM
The Photon Content of the Neutron
Keping Xie
(Michigan State University)
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
4:45 PM
Production of fully-heavy tetraquark at the LHC and electron-ion colliders
Yingsheng Huang
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
5:00 PM
Decays of Exotic Double-Heavy Hadrons into Pairs of Heavy Hadrons
Roberto Bruschini
(Ohio State University)
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
5:15 PM
Born-Oppenheimer Potentials for Double-Heavy Hadrons
- Mr
Fareed Alasiri
(Ohio State University)
(David Lawrence Hall 209)
4:00 PM
Quantum Field & String Theory
Seth Koren
(University of Notre Dame)
(until 5:30 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
4:00 PM
Understanding Non-perturbative Gauge Theories Using Anomaly Mediation of Supersymmetry Breaking
Hitoshi Murayama
(University of California Berkeley (US))
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
4:15 PM
4-Point Vertices, Amplitudes and Phase-Space Calculations in the Constructive Standard Model
- Dr
Neil Christensen
(Illinois State University)
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
4:30 PM
Two different types of series expansions valid at strong coupling
- Prof.
Ariel Edery
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
4:45 PM
Machine learning and (large-N) field theory
Zhengkang Zhang
(University of Utah)
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
5:00 PM
The Constructive Method for Massive Particles in QED
Hsing-Yi Lai
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
5:15 PM
Scalar scattering amplitudes: zero loci, factorization, and the double copy
Tonnis ter Veldhuis
(David Lawrence Hall 104)
5:30 PM
Coordinating panel for software and computing townhall
Joel Butler
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
(until 6:00 PM)
(David Lawrence Hall 105)
5:30 PM
Goals and Status of the Coordinating Panel for Software and Computing
Ian Fisk
(David Lawrence Hall 105)
5:45 PM
(David Lawrence Hall 105)
7:00 PM
Public Lecture
(until 8:00 PM)
(McConomy Auditorium, Jared L. Cohon University Center)
7:00 PM
How did we come to be? That's a physics question!
Hitoshi Murayama
(University of California Berkeley (US))
(McConomy Auditorium, Jared L. Cohon University Center)