WLCG Strategy:
- 3 sessions going through the main items where the feedback to the first draft required a discussion.
- Reached consensus on all items of the strategy (minor text modification needed). We will do the necessary modification, circulate a new draft fro final comments and ask endorsement at the OB in June
- Several discussions will be needed for the implementation: e.g. the discussion on "fine-grained pledges" was rather animated.
- Urgent actions:
- Fix date for HPC discussion in EU to progress with the HPC strategy document. Proposal: June 28 at CERN
- Fix date for Environmental Sustainability workshop: proposal Week 16-20 September (2 days) at CERN
Brief conclusions from the Collaboration Board (minutes urgently needed):
- All annexes, apart from 5 (Governance) and 9 (C-RSG) have been endorsed (minor tuning being done in federations, T1s and T2s lists)
- Annex 9: seems OK, will be passed to the C-RSG for further feedback
- Annex 5: the CB wrapped up the discussion about the Technical Coordination Board. The CB believes that the best construct is a (open) Technical Forum + a (restricted) Technical Coordination Board. The TCB main responsibility is to define a Technical Roadmap and ensure its implementation, through the TF. Reports to the MB. The MB will make a call to the collaboration to set up the TCB.
- Annex 5: The annex 5 text will be adjusted to reflect these modifications and circulated to the CB to request the change of status from ‘approval in principle’ to ‘approved’. The aim is to complete the final steps by the June OB.
- The "observers" from now on will be "associate partners" (better reflect their active role in our community). For new partners, the process will still go through the MB as now, but with a final endorsement at the CB or delegates
Coffee/Beer discussions:
- Tokens implementation deserve focused attention. A small group of technical experts will meer regularly and go through the technical implementations across the stack. One person from Rucio, Dirac, FTS, IAM, WLCG Security. Maarten will organise the effort. Regular report about progress (every 3 months) to TCB (if in place) and at the high level to the MB
- Findings from the Brewery Tour: if you have a data center and want to do heat recuperatuon you could consider opening a brewery.