Attendees: Daniele, Zenny, Stefan, Olivier, Robert, Sapta, Jin
Apologies: Andrea
Zenny PhD
- Got 10 out of 18 needed ECTS points with latest
- re-weighting now compiles
- OM test it where
- ZW test it on SM first, then on processes with single parton distribution, multi process events, rebase on the latest version of Madgraph
- then get back into multi-threading and NLO part again. Currently takes more time than expected.
CMS integration
- Daniele pushed a fix for the unzipping, was tested by Jin
- Daniele profiled Madgraph with internal and external versions of LHAPDF. With external LHAPDF (6.5.2). Versus the internal LHAPDF the speed improvement is around a factor 3
- CMS using 6.4
- Daniele, in the GPU version we call LHAPDF 3 times which should be cached but are not. Daniele will investigate
- Daniele shows flamegraphs fortran, gpu + int lhapdf, gpu + ext lhapdf
- Discussion about the serial parts, dsig1, x_to_f_arg