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FLASY 2024: the 10th Workshop on Flavor Symmetries and Consequences in Accelerators and Cosmology

from Monday 24 June 2024 (08:30) to Friday 28 June 2024 (18:35)
ISEB (1010)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
24 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024
26 Jun 2024
27 Jun 2024
28 Jun 2024
Opening (until 10:00) (1010)
09:00 Check-in at Registration Desk   (1010)
09:50 Opening   (1010)
Flavor in Quark Sector (until 11:15) (1010)
10:00 Cutting operators with MATCHETE: automatic reduction to a minimal EFT basis and treatment of evanescent operators - Julie Pagès   (1010)
10:45 --- Coffee Break ---
Flavor and Astrophysics (until 12:00) (1010)
11:15 Adding Flavors to Axiogenesis and Spicing Up Cosmological Mysteries - Raymond Co (Indiana University)   (1010)
Flavor and Astrophysics (until 12:00) (1010)
09:15 Flavoured Dark Matter - from Freeze-Out Scenarios to LHC Signatures - Monika Blanke (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   (1010)
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
10:30 Flavorful Dark Matter - Xiao-Gang He   (1010)
11:15 Searching for light accelerated dark matter - Gopolang Mohlabeng (University of California, Irvine)   (1010)
Neutrinos (until 12:00) (1010)
09:15 Exploring Electromagnetic Properties of Neutrinos - Dr Sudip Jana (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)   (1010)
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
10:30 Exploring Neutrino non-standard interaction - Anjan Giri   (1010)
11:15 A sterile neutrino solution to the B and MiniBooNe anomalies - Prof. Alakabha Datta (University of Mississippi)   (1010)
Flavor Symmetries (until 12:00) (1010)
09:00 A Scan of small Quiver Models with Bifundamental Matter - Tom Kephart   (1010)
09:45 Quark-Lepton mass relations from Modular Flavor Symmetry - Omar Medina (IFIC (CSIC-Universitat de València))   (1010)
10:15 --- Coffee Break ---
10:45 Implication of A4 modular symmetry on neutrino masses, mixing and leptogenesis - Rukmani Mohanta   (1010)
11:30 Modular invariant holomorphic observables - Xueqi Li   (1010)
Flavor in Quark Sector (until 10:00) (1010)
09:30 Composite matter/antimatter hadron structure indicated experimentally at Texas Petawatt Laser Facility - Mark Pickrell   (1010)
Flavor Symmetries (until 10:45) (1010)
10:00 Flavor Symmetry Flashes - Ernest Ma   (1010)
FLASY2025 (until 10:50) (1010)
10:45 FLASY2025   (1010)
10:50 --- Coffee break ---
Flavor at Accelerators (until 12:00) (1010)
11:15 Flavor physics at future colliders - Wolfgang Altmannshofer (UC Santa Cruz)   (1010)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
Flavor in Quark Sector (until 14:45) (1010)
14:00 Flavor Anomalies: Where Do We Stand? - Mauro Valli (INFN Rome)   (1010)
14:45 --- Coffee break ---
Flavor and Astrophysics (until 16:00) (1010)
15:15 Dark Matter Heating of Neutron Stars: Advantages and Challenges - Koichi Hamaguchi   (1010)
Reception (until 18:30) ()
12:00 --- Lunch ---
Flavor and Astrophysics (until 15:15) (1010)
14:00 Flavonic dark matter - Eung Jin Chun   (1010)
14:45 --- Coffee Break ---
Neutrinos (until 16:00) (1010)
15:15 Searches For Exotic Particles at Neutrino Experiments - Zahra Khajeh Tabrizi   (1010)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
Neutrinos (until 14:45) (1010)
14:00 Dirac neutrinos and parity solution to the strong CP problem - Anil Thapa (University of Virginia)   (1010)
14:45 --- Coffee break ---
Flavor Symmetries (until 16:45) (1010)
15:15 Flavour in Finite SU(5) Grand Unified Theories - Myriam Mondragon (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico UNAM)   (1010)
16:00 A gauge horizontal model of charged fermion masses - Prof. We-Fu Chang (National Tsing Hua University)   (1010)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
Flavor Symmetries (until 17:00) (1010)
14:00 Near-Critical Behavior in Modular Flavor Models - Dr Xiang-Gan Liu   (1010)
14:45 The flavor of a string - Saul Ramos-Sanchez (UNAM, Mexico)   (1010)
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
16:00 The Atelistic Standard Model - Pierre Michel Ramond (University of Florida (US))   (1010)
Conference Dinner (until 20:30) ()
12:00 --- Lunch ---
Flavor at Accelerators (until 17:00) (1010)
14:00 Simulating Heavy Neutral Leptons with General Couplings at Collider and Fixed Target Experiments - Daniel La Rocco   (1010)
14:30 Probing muon g-2 at Forward Detectors at LHC - Roshan Mammen Abraham (University of California Irvine (US))   (1010)
15:00 --- Coffee Break ---