A&T Seminar

ESS target systems design and construction: lessons learnt

by Mr Rikard Linander (European Spallation Source ERIC)

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium (CERN)

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium


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The European Spallation Source is a neutron science infrastructure facility currently being build and commissioned in the south of Sweden, in the university city Lund. The facility comprises a proton linear accelerator, a target station for creating neutron beams, and three experimental halls that contains the scientific instrument using the cold and thermal neutrons provided by the source. While the overall facility layout is conventional, i.e., similar to existing comparable facilities, a few novel technical solutions were selected for the ESS Target Station. Most obvious is the helium-cooled rotating solid tungsten target, but many other state-of-the-art features are being implemented to build the 5 MW-capable target with optimised neutron output.

This talk provides a general overview of the ESS Target Station, a summary of the current project progress and some reflections on challenges and issues occurred.


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Julia Double
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Pascal Pignereau
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