Present: M. Blaszkiewicz, A. Collinet, L. Felsberger, I. Romera Ramirez
The meeting was a recap of the early advancements completed some time ago for the CIBDS board and next steps.
We agreed that the main functions of the CIBDS is: to generate an asynchronous dump request via the TDU, to pass on the BIS beam permit loop signal, to interpret the Link Mode and trigger asynchronous (via TDU) and synchronous (via beam permit and TSU) beam dump requests.
The main signal flows are as shown in the slide. There are some modifications: there are links between Monitor FPGA and Critical FPGAs, as well as there is a software link mode singal which is received in the monitor FPGA and passed on to the critical FPGAs.
A further discussion of the top-level functions, possible failures, their effects and criticality was one of the highlights of the meeting. The list of identified failures is as follows:
It was agreed that firmware verification would be an interesting development for the FPGA-based projects. AC suggested that the Equivalency Checking is of particular interest to him, while formal verification methods can prove to be a time-consuming and effort-intense activity. We will follow up on those points further.