BISv2 Reliability Study Progress Meeting - CIBAB
Present: M. Blaszkiewicz, A. Collinet, L. Felsberger, T. Podzorny, I. Romera Ramirez
The presentation showed general statistics from the failure rate prediction step, proposed end-effects definitions, top contributors to the overall failure rate and remaining questions to conclude.
In the discussion, the following points were made:
- Remaining 49 capacitors are probably filters where the nets can not easily be read out.
- There are 3 beam permit output channels because of different actuators:
- E.g. in SPS Injection there is a need for more than one channel.
- In the LHC, it will be only one channel used.
- In the FMECA table, the effects will be filled for all, but in the global model only a single connection should be considered.
- End-effects definitions to be updated:
- maintenance - no immediate action
- false dump - can also be availability problem
- Adjustments to components' failure rate predition:
- Transistors
- FITS are probably from powering transitors rather than ones used in the CIBAB context.
- Various parameters specified in the datasheets (clamping/standing)
- Parameters in the 217Plus don't make sense in this case (operating and rated voltage)
- These ones are used for RS485; however, operating voltage could be higher as sometimes it may be an aggregation of other voltages.
- Designators naming conventions
- The problems are coming from default way Altium replicated channels; mostly for LEDs pages
- FPGA - there is only one component but referred to using different letters in the end.
- This results in the similar desingator names as for different channels.
- There is no straight-forward way to establish if one or the other is the case for specific designator name.
- Channel configurations
- If disabled by accident, they send fail safe value.
Next steps
- Share the FMECA table with Antoine.
- Follow-up the failure rate prediction of transistors and TVS diodes in 217Plus standard.