Date : 2024/02/02
Attendees : Adnan Ghribi [AG], Sabrina Lecerf [SL], Thomas Shea [TS], Giuanluca Valentino [GV], Annika Eichler [AE], Jonas L’Haridon [JL], Andrew Mistry [AM], Ivan Knezevic [IV], Christine Darve [CD], Jim Dowling [JD], Amelia Pollard [AP], Adrian Oeftiger [AO], Stefano Pioli [SL]
Absent (distribution) : Jade Varin [JV], Verena Kain [VK], Lex Avstreikh [LA], Evalds Urtans [EU], Emmanuel Detsis [ED], Carsten Welsh [CW]
proposes that GSI contribution to WP4 is swapt with ESSB. A dedicated meeting will be organised by [GV]
with ESSB (Ibon Bustinduy
will send the present budget table on the Feb. 19th to Ziva Brglez
. The deadline to include all comments is set on Thursday February 22nd.Please be careful as not to use the overleaf or sharepoint version anymore.
in the same box space. The modification of this document is restricted.[CW]
and [JL]
have not been implemented. [CW]
being in holiday, the implementation of WP3 will be discussed with [CD]
(WP co-leader) on Wednesday 9am this week.The RICH Europe review will take place on zoom this Thursday February 22nd from 10 am to 11 am. Only 3 participants are allowed to participate. These will be : GSI (Adrian and Oxana), GANIL (Sabrina, Jade, Adnan) and ESF (Jonas).
If you have any questions you want to be asked to RICH experts, please send them before Wednesday Feb 21st.
On Friday 23rd, the corrected draft will be sent to external experts (Phil Burrows, Maurizio Vretnar, Toms Torrins and Jose Manuel Perez). They will have 10 days to give us their feedback. Email will be sent to these experts today.
Diplo foundation accepted to participate to the external advisory board pro bono. See link here. They are involved in AI adoption locks in developing countries, ethical aspects and AI policy. Their involvement should be centralised in WP4. [TS]
will arrange meeting between Diplo and [GV]
Mayer Brown law firm was foreseen to contribute in the external advisory board but not pro bono. We would need about 10 kE for their participation. We will need to find a solution for their participation.
It is foreseen that the external advisory board be constituted by 3 experts from within the field and 3 experts from outside the field.
and [SL]
will send a link to the latest version of the budget soon.
will send a summary of inkind contributions balance with respect to project funding.
is meeting with several WP6 participants this week to organise resources sharing.
will send a poll for next coordination meeting.
proposes SEEIIST (hadron therapy) from the Baltics as a use case. This is to be discussed with [AO]
and included in the white paper if relevant.
proposes a case from SESAME. This is to be discussed with [AO]
and included in the white paper if relevant.
proposes iThemba lab in the list of external reviewers.
proposes QST (F4E, Japan) in the list of external reviewers.
ESA has been confirmed for external reviewers.
We need to freeze the abstract and keywords this week. Please read it and comment it if needed.
Particle accelerators, integral to advancing knowledge, face sustainability, energy and scientific efficiency, and environmental impact challenges. With over 40,000 worldwide, these devices contribute to diverse fields, from healthcare to fundamental physics. ARTIFACT, short for "ARTifical Intelligence For Accelerators, user Communities and associated Technologies", aims to address these challenges by leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). A network of 30 institutes collaborates to achieve three main objectives: reduce downtime, develop tools for critical issues, and ensure sustainable AI implementation. The ambitious aims of the project are delivered by seven work packages, with four covering technical developments and three covering transversal topics. The technical activities include a Pan-European AI-enabled Accelerator Data Platform to support Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) Data, features and models; optimized control and modeling, reliable fault detection, developing software frameworks and methods optimized for accelerator RIs; and demonstrating the new AI and data tools in host facilities to produce smart accelerator prototypes. The transversal work packages manage these developments with an agile approach, communicate progress to the stakeholders, and assure knowledge and skill transfer between experts and institutes while contributing to training the next generation scientists. They also ensure compliance to ethical and robustness constraints within the scientific environment as well as alignment with EU policies in the rapidly evolving AI regulatory landscape. This proposal emerges as a pioneer in accelerator research infrastructures (RIs) at an optimal time—during the digital transformation of our society, promising wide-reaching benefits for research facilities throughout Europe.
Particle Accelerators, Pan-European Development, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, AI Digital Transformation, FAIR-data, Open Science