UK ECR ECFA and PECFA Meeting Minutes:
Date: 12.03.2024
Attendees (random order): Holly Pacey, Patrick Dougan, Julia Allen, Atanu Modak, Aidan Robson, Joel Goldstein, Sarah Williams, Sinead Farrington, Daniela Bortoletto
Meeting Introduction by Holly:
Topics to discuss:
Ideas for 2024 projects:
Survey CV/Profiles of people who obtained a permanent position
Organise HEP Job event
Feedback from Sarah, Aidan, Joel:
IOP best option for funding and venue to organise such an event
Birmingham could be another venue option
Could be an independent event or a tie-in with the PPAP. The next PPAP is likely in July. In case of a tie-in event, figure out the order of sessions between ECR and PPAP for maximum engagement and contact Sarah in future for details on PPAP event.
Bring in views from people who left HEP for industry positions
Focus on a single event instead of separate HEP/non-HEP events
PECFA can help with panellist selection
Approaching people individually could be helpful to receive feedback on CV/Profiles, instead of a common/general email
Ideas for 2024 projects (continue):
Future Collider focussed events
Follow recommendations from previous UK FC Townhall
Follow up on ECR Future Collider event
Follow up on the last meeting at CERN
Discuss UK-specific funding, challenges
Difficult to get direct STFC insight on FC related funding timeline
Timeline: September could be the earliest for such an event. Consider an FC event further in future, e.g. attached to IOP HEPP/APP 2025.
Prioritise the HEP Job event before the RECFA visit. UK is well prepared for the RECF and HEP jobs event will have wider appeal. Plan inclusive session focussed on ECR.
Durham Workshops:
Introduction by Sarah, draft document to be attached to the agenda
1st workshop Online by the end of April / beginning of May
Will be useful to set the scene for the next in-person main event
Online good for wider participation from newcomers.
2nd workshop in person at Durham (check early for venue confirmation ), either in September or December depending on the European Strategy Update timeline
Speakers are being identified, and need ECR names as well
Encourage 1st/2nd year student contributions
RECFA visit:
Introduction by Daniela, shared draft schedule for the event, most likely will be restricted to others. Limited attendance: 28 member state delegates, Director General, Director of Research, funding agency reps, maybe 1 member/group, 1 ECR
Date: 13th September, at RS.
ECR Talk format: example talks available from visits in Germany and Greece. It will be a 15-20 minutes talk summarising the survey results and highlighting any relevant proposals/demands from the ECR side.
A full analysis of the survey results won’t be necessary for the visit, but no objections to arXiv report after for UK audience.
Daniela soliciting experiment PIs on the speaker list and will share a document with PECFA colleagues for suggestions. (not going into details of speaker list discussion in the minutes) Finalise speakers by April.
Poster sessions during the breaks might not be possible
Need feedback on the draft survey, the plan is to circulate the survey by next week.
Need help on how to distribute the survey effectively across the UK ECR community.
Procedure to select ECR Panellist: Postponed the discussion due to lack of time. This will be discussed later. The current procedure is already good.