Z polarization for Higgs self coupling (Balbeer)


- asymmetry-only constraint with polarized beams can get accuracy of a few % at 350-500 GeV

  o but luminosity is higher than normal predictions

  o suggest to also estimate sensitivity using standard luminosity scenarios and (ideally) detector simulation


- what about combining rate and asymmetry to constrain self-coupling?


- changing polarization increases the cross section but doesn't change the kappa limit



Entanglement with e+e- sqrt(s)=240/250 GeV collisions (Alan)


- Did H->tau-tau CP study gain from quantum information variables?


- in the future higher-order corrections could be investigated


- prospects for H->WW at e+e-? No studies currently



Updates for the FCC-ee Higgs study (Nicholas)


- sensitivity improved by a factor of ~5 due to tightening of constraints

  o appears to be primarily the recoil mass?


- suggest to use angular+rate information to constrain a set of CP-odd and CP-even operators

  o useful to know how many linear combinations of operators can be meaningfully constrained

  o can define combinations through PCA



CP measurements at the LHC (Sandra)


- can the LHC combine CP analyses and present the results in terms of Wilson coefficients (using PCA)?


- ATLAS and CMS comparisons seem not to be apples-to-apples, should sort out


- LHC CP combination in terms of Wilson coefficients can be compared with e+e-

  o additional information from e+e- can be obtained using energy dependence and polarization