The quest for new CP violation is a thriving field of experimental particle physics. A wide variety of experiments investigate many different particle species and processes looking for possible sources of CP violation in addition to the Standard Model. The search for a permanent neutron electric dipole moment is considered to be an excellent candidate for a possible discovery.
The n2EDM experiment is currently in its commissioning phase at the ultracold neutron source at the Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland. The international nEDM collaboration published the current best limit of $d_n < 1.8 \cdot 10^{-26}$ ecm in 2020 using data taken over two years with the predecessor apparatus. n2EDM, a new generation experiment is designed to improve the sensitivity by a factor 10 with increased neutron statistics already with the baseline setup. Accordingly, the systematic uncertainties will be reduced due to the new double-chamber setup and a largely improved magnetic field environment.
This talk will give an overview of the experiment and introduce the most important features of the new apparatus. In addition, first results from commissioning data taken with several subsystems will be presented, including measurements with ultracold neutrons, magnetic shielding features, and magnetic field mapping.