Froggatt-Nielsen models typically predict the existence of a light axion-like particle, pushing the new dynamic to a very high scale.
In this talk I will focus on models based on $Z_N$ discrete symmetries, which are counterexamples in which the new scale might in fact be much lower.
I will first chart the allowed parameter space from a set of theoretical considerations, and then focus on two...
Baryon number violation is our most sensitive probe of physics beyond the Standard Model, especially through the study of nucleon decays. Angular momentum conservation requires a lepton in the final state of such decays, kinematically restricted to electrons, muons, or neutrinos. We show that operators involving taus, which are at first sight too heavy to play a role in nucleon decays, still...
I will review precision measurements in allowed nuclear beta decays and neutron decay, both within the Standard Model and looking for new physics. I will follow an Effective Field Theory approach, which allows one to carry out a model-independent comparison of measurements using different nuclei, as well as to connect with other searches (e.g. at the LHC).